hnelles24's learning journey

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Osmo is a great game that my class. My  favorite game on Osmo is Words. I play it  against uncle Tony. I once got 575 and uncle Tony got 0.That is my best  record.Uncle  Tony is easy for me to beat.Every time I play against uncle Tony he  gets 0 points  and I get 100-575 points. But there is also Tangram and Numbers. I like Tangram and Numbers but I love Osmo Words.Here is a  Picture of Osmo Words and Numbers and Tangram. I love all Osmos  especially Osmo Words.I think Tangram is the hardest of all the Osmos. I also like  Osmo Numbers I think I am ready for a higher level in that and Words too!. I know it’s kind of funny but I love the easy Osmos. And I like the hard Osmos. I play with Osmo a lot. It is really fun. This is why I don’t like to play with it at home that much because I like to play against a Osmo character and do harder words like apple pie and pineapple and goggles and bubbles those are  totally harder. I like harder words than cat and city and dog.



  1. Hmmm I wonder if we can find a way to up the level…

  2. That would be nice

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