hnelles24's learning journey

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I love doing math. I got to learn a lot from the first Unit in math.Most of it was comfortable but some was not.I love doing equation chains. This is a equation chain.1+9=2+8=3+7=4+6=5+5=0+10=9+1=8+2=7+3=6+4=20-10=100-90=10+0=.That’s a equation chain.I learned how to do two step word problems . There hard but easy.I also got to learn problem’s that don’t have enough information and missing information and too much information. All the math problem’s I learned were fun! We use math mountains and comparison bars.


  1. I love that you love doing math. I also love that you work really hard at it.

  2. I love math too! I love how you work through the stuff that isn’t always comfortable! What are you working on now in math?

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