hmishelow's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

March 1, 2019
by hmishelow25


I wonder when did the Jews go to the mishkan morning or night? Why did the Jews build the mishkan so that they could move it?

February 22, 2019
by hmishelow25

Parsha Ki Tisa

Today in parsha we are learning about the golden calf that the Jews preyed to.When Moesis was on mount sinia the  wanted to prey to a god so  Arone   used all of the Jews gold to make a golden calf then god gave them a punishment that said they could not go to Israel and that their children could go to Israel.When Moesis found out that the Jews were preying to  the calf he broke the ten commandments and a god made another ten commandments.


February 21, 2019
by hmishelow25


In social studies we are doing a community project. At the end of the day we will each get to earn 18 dollars but if we didn’t follow directions we will lose 5 dollars if we didn’t follow the hallway expectations we lose a 3 dollars if we don’t get our work done we lose 10 dollars and if we didn’t get our work corrected by the end of the week we won’t get our extra 10 dollars. Next month each of us will use our money to buy a house . there is two diffrent houses. there is the ritsy ditsy witch has more windows and is 264 dollars and the normal house is 250 dollars. There will be a shop that we will buy stuff for our houses.Soon we will be doing an election you can run for mayor, judge, commishiner of housing and supervisor of maintenance. I think I might run for Supervisor of Maintenance because I like picking up stuff on the floor at school.

February 8, 2019
by hmishelow25


In today’s Parsha we are starting to learn about the Mishkan. I wonder why the Jews built the Mishkan for god? I wonder why  the Mishkan got destroid by other people? Did god thank the Jews for building the Mishkan?

February 1, 2019
by hmishelow25


In today’s parsha the Jews got the ten comandments.  I wonder why we say the ten comandments when there is actually    613? I wonder why this was the only parsha where a group of people hear gods voice?

January 24, 2019
by hmishelow25


I am so excited to test me and Kenzie’s submersible today! Me and Kenzie already know that our submersible can pick up magnet A magnet B and magnet C and go back to the surface. But we don’t know if it will be able to get in to the small cup get magnet A and come back up. I’m so happy because we are finally testing our submersible! I wonder if any group used the same parts of the submersible as another group? I think making my submersible is very fun! I wonder if the kids who are in first grade right now next year are going to do submersibles for a unit in science? I wonder if our unit of submersibles will end today because we are testing them today?

January 17, 2019
by hmishelow25


 In science we are learning about submersibles. today me and Kenzie are testing our submersible. I hope our submersible will work. I wonder which vials other people`s groups are using? I wonder if anybodys submersible will work? I am so exited to test me and Kenzie`s submersible! It needs to float, pick up some things and be small.

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January 11, 2019
by hmishelow25


Today in parsha we finished  the ten plags. The name of todays parsha is parshat bo. The reason we have matza  is because the Jews did not have time to let the bread rise. The reason passover is called passover is because Gd pased over the Jews houses on the tenth plag.

January 10, 2019
by hmishelow25


In math we are learning how to ungroup  for subtraction. Ungrouping helps us with math problems such as 100-63  or 73-56  by that I mean with big numbers. I am excited to learn more about ungrouping!