hherbst's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

Caste System


Topic:Caste System.


In my opinion the caste system is bad.It is not fair to the lower caste people.The upper caste system gets more than what the lower caste system.The upper caste people might be not as smart as the lower caste people.If I lived in India I would be worried about my health even if I was the upper caste because maybe the lower caste might be smarter than  the upper caste.


Reason 1

There might be smarter people in the lower caste people than upper caste people.There is a lot of pollution in India so you need really good doctors.The lower caste people might be better and smarter at health.

Reason 2 

It really is not a good way to treat people. People might be

 smarter than the jobs they can get.

Reason 3

Everyone should be able to sit in the front of the room (in schools)so everyone could learn better.What I mean is if you are a lower caste person and you are at the back of the room you might not hear something.You might have to stand maybe. Overall, I am against the Caste System.


  1. These are really good points, Hudson. Sometimes I wonder why human beings try to make themselves better than other human beings. I think we have to work really hard to make sure we don’t become someone who tries to make themselves better than others.

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