What’s that!? Viewing the unseen world.

What a great week in 7th grade science!   Students were so excited to use the microscopes to view three different single-celled organisms–Paramecium, Euglena, and Amoeba.  They documented their work by creating detailed sketches of what they saw and writing meaningful observations.   To support each others’ learning, each student gave and received peer feedback on their sketches and observations.  When asked what stood out about feedback, N.R. exclaimed, “I learned how to improve my own drawings by giving feedback to another student.”  This was followed by lots of nodding heads.  HAPPY TEACHER MOMENT!  This begins our unit on cells.  From here we will use student questions to drive the learning process forward and engage in an in-depth study of what cells are, how they get what they need, and how they reproduce.   Such exciting stuff!

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