cgaines23's Learning Journey

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Entries Tagged as 'Uncategorised'

Get Rid Of Space Trash!

28th May 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

I think that we should get rid of space trash because it crashes into working satellites and then the satellites turn into space trash. In 1996 a French satellite was hit and damaged by space junk from a french rocket that blew up a decade earlier. On Feb. 10 ,2009 a Russian satellite crashed with and destroyed a working U.S. Iridium commercial satellite. The crash added more than 2,000 pieces of space junk to space. To make a satellite, it is very expensive. It costs about $100 million to build the satellite and another $50 million to launch them. If there was a lot of space trash then the space trash would hit the working satellites and the satellites would turn into pieces of more space junk. Also the people who made those satellites would have to pay more money to send another satellite into space and then that satellite would get destroyed and it wold just keep going and then there would be so much space junk in space.  There is more than 500,000 pieces of space trash in space. If you agree with me, please sign this petition TODAY:  You could also write a letter to NASA about how to take the space trash out of space trash and tell facts about space trash.



Math Project Reflection

15th April 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

I made a zoo for our math project. I am proud of how good it looks and how much time I spent on my zoo. I am proud of the time I spent because it looks good. If I would do something different I would make my zoo 10 times bigger. I learned how to do a combined shape and find the area and perimeter.


Editorial Reflection

12th April 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

The most important thing that I learned about writing editorial is to have a counterargument and evidence. One important thing I learned about researching a topic is finding a source that has stuff that is true. Advice that I would give writers who are trying to argue a point or persuade their readers to think s they do is to have a counterargument and evidence also a lot of research on the topic.


Writer’s Workshop Reflection on Student Led Conferences

4th April 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

How to you feel about your student led conferences? I feel really good about my student led conferences I only have to take  home my book and read it to my parents because we didn’t have enough time to read it to them I also think that I could have spent more time on readers workshop. Have you thought about things you might be doing differently based upon your student led conferences? I think I will talk about writing more and not chat about things and have more time for my book and editorial I also think that in math I could go over things that I am really proud of. Is there anything that you feel like you didn’t get to say at your student led conferences? I think I got to say pretty much everything about my behavior and attitude and I think I said everything else about my conferences. How does it feel to be in charge of conferences? Do you like it? Why or why not? It feels good to be in charge of conferences because I can tell my parents what I am doing in school and when my parents are just with my teacher for conferences and I am not there I don’t know what she is talking about. I also feel like Gev. Denny interrupts  me in the middle of me talking.


Math Study Plan Reflection

26th March 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

I think I did not fully follow my study plan and I think I could have done better. My study plan was to go slow and reread my questions. On my test, I reread some of the questions but not all of them.  Next time I will try and read the question three times before I try and solve it.


Unit 4 Math Test Study Plan

22nd March 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

I looked back at my Math Data and I saw that there was a lot of things under Misunderstood question and Copy Problem Wrong. So… I think my study plan will be to look over all my problems to make sure that it makes sense and to skip to the next problem and come back to that problem later .  If I still don’t get it I could use cubes or draw a picture. I could also practice word problems before the test and go back in my math binder and look at the problems I got wrong and try it again.


Our Social Studies Field Trip

21st March 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

On Wednesday we went on a walking field trip. We first went to the Milwaukee Public Museum and filled out a study guide on Solomon Juneau’s trading post, Old Streets of Milwaukee, and the Woodland Native Americans. It was really cool learning about different things like how the Woodland Native Americans got there food. Then we hopped on the bus and went to Wisconsin Avenue Bridge and we saw  Gertie the duck. Then we went on the bus and went to city hall it was really cool and either 8 or 7 flights high. It was really cool seeing places that we learned about in real life.


Sarah Chudnow Reflection

25th February 2019 by cgaines23 · 1 Comment · Uncategorised

What were 2-3 interesting things you learned from your buddy at Ovation Sarah Chudnow? I learned that when she was a little girl she couldn’t play as much sports as we could do today. I also learned that there wasn’t a lot of cars and not everybody had a car.
What did you enjoy about your conversation? I liked our conversation because she is really funny and really nice.
What was hard about your conversation? Our conversation was hard because our questions that we wrote down were about Jewish Milwaukee and she wasn’t Jewish so I just had to make up my own but she was in the memory department so she didn’t really remember things but her helper answered some questions for her.

What would you do differently if we went back again? I would probably be more prepared if  my partner was not Jewish. I would have questions ready if our partner is not Jewish. I would be more prepared because my partner wasn’t Jewish so she couldn’t answer a lot of questions so then I just cut out the Jewish part of the question and made it so she could answer it.
If you had a chance to ask additional questions, what are two more questions you would ask your person, based on what you learned about them? I would ask what town in Milwaukee did you live in and I would ask if she liked to live in Milwaukee?
What did you learn about Jewish Milwaukee or general Milwaukee history from your conversation? I learned that Milwaukee has changed by bigger buildings and that when she was a kid there was barely anyone who had cars and she didn’t   have a car and that there is a lot more people in Milwaukee than there used to be.


My Math Test

11th February 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

My goal for my math test was to check my answers and check my subtraction problem before I turn my test in. I think I checked all my answers except for the ones I didn’t know how to check. This helped because I could find my mistakes that I didn’t know about and I was able to fix my mistake. I can fix my mistake before turning it in.


Matilda Play

11th February 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

Last week we saw Matilda at First Stage I really liked the play because it was funny and it was really cool. It was really funny when Matilda was born because the father thought Matilda was a boy. It was really different from the movie because they skipped some parts in the movie. It was also funny when after we ate lunch Matilda’s father sang a song about television. It was also different because the play was a musical and the movie wasn’t.
