cgaines23's Learning Journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site

Sarah Chudnow Reflection

25th February 2019 by cgaines23 · 1 Comment · Uncategorised

What were 2-3 interesting things you learned from your buddy at Ovation Sarah Chudnow? I learned that when she was a little girl she couldn’t play as much sports as we could do today. I also learned that there wasn’t a lot of cars and not everybody had a car.
What did you enjoy about your conversation? I liked our conversation because she is really funny and really nice.
What was hard about your conversation? Our conversation was hard because our questions that we wrote down were about Jewish Milwaukee and she wasn’t Jewish so I just had to make up my own but she was in the memory department so she didn’t really remember things but her helper answered some questions for her.

What would you do differently if we went back again? I would probably be more prepared if  my partner was not Jewish. I would have questions ready if our partner is not Jewish. I would be more prepared because my partner wasn’t Jewish so she couldn’t answer a lot of questions so then I just cut out the Jewish part of the question and made it so she could answer it.
If you had a chance to ask additional questions, what are two more questions you would ask your person, based on what you learned about them? I would ask what town in Milwaukee did you live in and I would ask if she liked to live in Milwaukee?
What did you learn about Jewish Milwaukee or general Milwaukee history from your conversation? I learned that Milwaukee has changed by bigger buildings and that when she was a kid there was barely anyone who had cars and she didn’t   have a car and that there is a lot more people in Milwaukee than there used to be.

One Comment so far ↓

  • Rabbi Barolsky

    I was so impressed by your ability to keep asking questions and talking and continuing the conversation with someone who didn’t fit the expectations. I’m so glad you connected to her and learned from her story and made it a great experience for both of you.

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