cgaines23's Learning Journey

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Writer’s Workshop Reflection on Student Led Conferences

4th April 2019 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

How to you feel about your student led conferences? I feel really good about my student led conferences I only have to take  home my book and read it to my parents because we didn’t have enough time to read it to them I also think that I could have spent more time on readers workshop. Have you thought about things you might be doing differently based upon your student led conferences? I think I will talk about writing more and not chat about things and have more time for my book and editorial I also think that in math I could go over things that I am really proud of. Is there anything that you feel like you didn’t get to say at your student led conferences? I think I got to say pretty much everything about my behavior and attitude and I think I said everything else about my conferences. How does it feel to be in charge of conferences? Do you like it? Why or why not? It feels good to be in charge of conferences because I can tell my parents what I am doing in school and when my parents are just with my teacher for conferences and I am not there I don’t know what she is talking about. I also feel like Gev. Denny interrupts  me in the middle of me talking.

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