cgaines23's Learning Journey

Just another Milwaukee Jewish Day School Sites site

Entries from 24th April 2018


24th April 2018 by cgaines23 · 1 Comment · Uncategorised

Yesterday our class went  to Madison. We went to the Geology museum and we saw dinosaur poop. Then we went to union south for lunch. Union south was part of UW Madison. Next,  we toured the college and I decided  I wanted to go to UW Madison. Then our tour ended and we went  to […]


Time For Kids

18th April 2018 by cgaines23 · No Comments · Uncategorised

Yesterday I read the time for kids article and it said that 19 preschools in the United Kingdom banned glitter last year because these tiny pieces of plastic wash down the drain. They are not usually caught by filters. Fish usually eat the glitter and die. If fish die we won’t have sushi. We won’t […]
