Sukah day 1


1. Yesterday, we started our Sukkah project by getting into groups and picking our assignment for extra stuff and we drew out our studs out on our paper. My part in the process was that I helped figure out how many studs we needed.
2. I am excited about figuring out what my group is going to do with our decoration assignments because I love decorating things.
3. I am a bit worried/not looking forward to going to the store because I think I might get lost.
4. My biggest challenge yesterday was figuring out the number of studs because I’m not very good with math.
5. Today, I will overcome my challenges by trying my best and trying my hardest.

Sukkah Day 3

1. On Friday, we worked on the organization of our purchasing plan. We are sort of organized with our purchasing because we are almost done finished getting all of our wood numbers and how much it will cost.
2. My level of organization has helped our Sukkah project so far. An example of this is that one of my partners and I went around our school and got a bunch of stuff that we needed or wanted for decorations.

Sukkah Day 2

1. Yesterday, we worked on our Sukkah project by collecting pieces of wood for our studs and we also collected plastic water bottles. We were assigned water bottles for a part of the decoration process. My part in the process was collecting water bottles. We calculated that we needed 9 studs but we were way off we needed about 21.
2. One thing I learned because of this Sukkah project was how to build a wall. I learned what kind of wood you need to build a wall and what kind of nails and how many pieces of wood you need in specific places.