Professional Learning to begin 2019

Today was a great day at MJDS. Our staff spent the day learning together in preparation for the 2nd half of the school year. Full day professional learning during the school year is rare and incredibly valuable so we made the most of our time. The purpose of today was:

To reflect on the the first half of our year, connect with one another and remind ourselves what we believe about students, teaching and learning at MJDS.

In the morning we began by discussing the essential need to be vulnerable with one another. Why? Because vulnerability is about sending a clear signal that you have weaknesses and could use help. If we are all sending the same signal, we can set our insecurities aside and continue to build trust as a team. That trust is the foundation for collaboration and growth which allows us to provide the best possible learning experiences for our students.

We met in pairs to ask/answer personal questions based on the research of Arthur and Elaine Aron (click HERE to learn more). We learned that exchanges of vulnerability, which we naturally tend to avoid, are the pathway through which trusting cooperation is built. It is a group muscle that is built according to a specific pattern of repeated interaction, and that pattern is a circle of people engaged in the risky, occasionally painful, ultimately rewarding process of being vulnerable together.

Our next all staff experience was planned and beautifully facilitated by Gev. Kleiman and Rabbi Barolsky. Together we reflected on a portion of the V’ahavta and learned about the Talmud, how midrash (commentary) became the core of Jewish learning and explored ideas for strengthening Jewish learning at MJDS.

Before breaking for lunch and a deep dive into various curricula development, Gev’s. Denny and Joseph facilitated a training on Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS). Together we agreed on common language to recognize and respond to trauma in others. We identified the many systems and structures already in place to support students and staff living with trauma along with next steps for how to improve our awareness and proactive planning as we prepare to greet students tomorrow. Throughout the training it became clear that our rally cry – Moving from Me to We and our core values – Empathy, Wonder and Tikkun Olam directly align with the research and core tenants of TSS.

Today was a powerful day of learning and empowerment as we prepare for a new year of providing incredible community, experience and academic excellence at MJDS.


3 thoughts on “Professional Learning to begin 2019

  1. Thank you for sharing this. It’s great to know that the teachers and staff are working to learn and grow alongside our kiddos.

  2. I am so inspired by this. We try so hard to have a tough exterior, and not let people in. But, by letting people in, we become much better teachers, leaders, mentors, advisors and people. Thank you for spearheading this!

  3. Thank you for sharing. It’s great to hear more from the teacher side of Mjds core philosophies. Also, I am in complete agreement about the important of sharing vulnerability as a key component of teamwork!

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