MJDS – A school of character

As we finish our 14th day of school tomorrow there is a palpable positive energy in our building. Each school is an ecosystem and at MJDS we are intentionally improving our environment, aligned to our mission and core values. How is this happening? Last year we were successful in identifying the values that define who we are. As a result, every staff member, student, board member and most parents are now able to articulate those values: wonder, empathy and tikkun olam. Our staff embedded these values into many aspects of life at MJDS and the results continue to drive how staff and students interact, learn and grow. We are getting there, but not yet….

This August our staff and rising 8th graders came together, ready to take the next step in improving our ecosystem. As I summarized in a recent post (read it HERE) we defined our belief statements and clarified our core values, that spell out WHY we make each decision at MJDS. These beliefs are the foundation of our school and every student, in every grade is now engaging in similar conversations to strengthen how we interact with one another, every day. We are improving our ecosystem.

After 14 days of discussion, debate and consensus building that respected the perspectives of every adult and student as equal partners in our ecosystem (we all much prefer to be heard and know why, instead of simply being told), our common expectations are defined and established. We are now ready to hold one another accountable on a daily basis, through the lens of our core values and beliefs. To sustain and strengthen our beliefs and expectations, we must remind ourselves and support one another every day in numerous small and large ways.

So why is the title of this post about character? You may have heard of National Schools of Character and if not, please take a moment to read about them HERE. Today Gev. Broidy and I participated in a conference focusing on how to become one of these schools. We are well on our way and expect to apply for this prestigious recognition sometime in the 2019-2020 school year. Most schools and districts are several years away from creating and sustaining the kind of ecosystem that reflects the 11 principles that define a school of character. MJDS is almost ready. The work we are engaging in each day is preparing our ecosystem be among the best in the nation. Our world is struggling with truth, integrity, transparency, empathy and responsibility. We will continue to make certain that every child who walks through our doors will internalize the character traits that we know are essential for the future of our community…moving from ME to We one day at a time.



4 thoughts on “MJDS – A school of character

  1. Thank you so much for this update. I am so appreciative that the core values stayed the same year after year. So often in schools, generally speaking, the change in initiatives is frenetic and confusing, preventing buy-in and diminishing their meaning. Thank you for this consistency and stability. I have already told a few random people about empathy, wonder, and tikkun olam and how they drive MJDS. Shabbat Shalom!

  2. This is so great. I feel the same energy – and i want more people to feel it. Aaron wrote earlier this year about all of us being ambassadors – it’s time to do so… in a positive way. Share with your friends and family all the great things we experience together at MJDS. It’s such a unique and powerful place. And I can’t wait until more people get to feel that energy as well.

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