CEREAL BOX CHALLENGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today’s Challenge: Create a new kind of cereal and its box. Using a piece of poster board, you and your team need to create your own box, with the goal of having the largest possible volume.


Teamwork Rubric Focus (Participation):


My goal for participation today within my team is…That Everyone talks.


My Individual Plan <insert photo of sketch and/or type out a plan> My plan is to cut squares in the paper to make my box I will color it after I m done cutting the paper. 


Why I think my plan will be successful: I  think it will not work because I don’t feel confident in this project and myself. 


Our Group’s Plan <insert photo or sketch and/or type out plan> cut the paper in half and make it into a circle and each roll it up and cut it and make more circles.


 We chose this plan because…We combined both of are ideas into one. 


Possible challenges that may come up during construction… it could rip up and break.


Each team member will be responsible for…writing and documenting draw and one will cut and fold.


After the Build

<insert photo of completed cereal box> it wont work


Our design worked well because… because we put fourth our groups best effort.


This activity was challenging because… we couldn’t give groups


This activity was comfortable because…. we combined our ides together.


I met my teamwork participation goal by… letting everyone talk.


A strength of my team was…. working together.


An area of growth for my team is… giving groups.


For our next challenge, my new teamwork participation goal for myself is….not being bossy.


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