Why do we build a sukkah?

Why do we build a Sukkah? Well the real question you should be asking is: What does a sukkah represent? WELL, a long time ago there was the Israelite people. (If you don’t know what the israelites are click on this link to get a short description (only read the first paragraph.) The Israelites had gone through a whole lot of stuff running away from Egypt. (not gonna name all of it) Eventually, they ,made it to the HOT HOT desert. In this desert they were (obviously) getting hot and starting to have their bodies get too hot that they could die! Then G-O-D made a Cloud looking thing so called: THE CLOUD OF GLORY.  This so called cloud of glory shielded the Israelites from all the deadly things on the outside of the cloud.

So we build our sukkahs every year to represent that cloud protecting us.


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