Cornell Notes Reflection

Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? No, I used my google search skills and I found the right answers. I like looking stuff up and finding the right sites.


How do you think you can use your cornell notes in the future? I can carry them around when I go to Actual Factual places. I can also memorize some of them so I can use them later on in life.


What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way? I learned that they are actually very interesting, I learned that there are 3 different parts of the 13 colonies, I learned that there is a lot of info about the 13 colonies.

Why did we do this activity? It helps you remember the things that are important.  It also helps you with learning about history in normal everyday life.


How did you research for this activity? I looked up the idea and I looked for reasonable noting. Then I documented.


What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity? I got very mad when I couldn’t find something or I couldn’t finish for some odd reason.


How did you overcome your challenges? I built up my anger and made it positive. Then I continued.


Testing our Rapunzel Creations

What materials did you choose for your build and why? Popsicle sticks, cardboard, tape, colored paper, hot glue

While you test:


What are you noticing? That at least I didn’t focus that much and I want to improve. I want to help my group in a good way instead of just using tape.


What things are working? Everything on the build is working well except I think that our ladders need to be longer


How will you tweak this? Make this better? (Be specific and detailed!) Try new materials (maybe wood), more Popsicle sticks


Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY? No just more Popsicle sticks.


Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence? More Popsicle sticks because then Rapunzel can get up easier



Building an Insulator

This week in science, we worked in teams to create a water bottle insulator that kept the water inside the bottle the coldest for the longest amount of time. First, we planned what we would need, how we would build it, and sketched our first design. Next, we tested our design to see how well our insulator worked. Below you will see the results and how we will improve our first insulator to make it even better!


An insulator is… Slows heat energy transfer.


Here is a picture of our original design: 


The materials we used were… Hot Glue, Tape, Tin foil/aluminum, Plastic bottle, Wool, Cotton.


Results! What was the temperature of your water to begin with? After 15 minutes? After 35 minutes?


Time Temperature (in Fahrenheit)
0 minutes 50 degrees
After 15 minutes 53 degrees
After 35 minutes 57 degrees


The engineering process includes thinking about how to make your design better and re-building your product. The improvements that we will make to our insulator are… More tin-foil, no wool, 


These changes will improve my insulator because… There is more tin-foil and it is placed tight on


New results: More tin-foil


Time Temperature (in Fahrenheit)
0 minutes  48.2 degrees
After 15 minutes  46.4 degrees
After 35 minutes  60 degrees


Predicting the Size of the Result


  1. Here is the word problem my partner and I solved:
  2. Here is a picture of my visual that represents the problem:
  3. Here is my equation(s) with a variable to represent the unknown amount:
  4. When predicting my answer, I know my answer will be smaller or larger because…
  5. Here is a picture of the work I did to solve the problem:
  6. My answer and label is…


  1. Lucy spends 4 hours a week babysitting. Her sister Lily spends ⅞ as much time babysitting. Does Lily babysit for more or less than 4 hours? How do you know? What is the exact amount of time Lily babysits? (Addie and Simon) 

3 and a half hours


7/8ths is less than 1 and 4×1 is 4 and that is how many hours lucy has.

4 x 7/8 = x     x=3 and a half

I knew my answer was going to be smaller than 4 because