Have I been Doing My Goals.

In math I think that I have been working on slowing down. My evidence is I know I reached this goal because I have been getting pretty much all my math sheets 100%. For writing I think I have been doing good at not getting overwhelmed because evidence I have a lot of lists about what I want to write. For reading I changed my goal from new words to Questions that I have about the book that I am reading. My evidence is in my research binder for reading about space. For Hebrew my goal is trying not to laugh and I think that I have been getting there. My evidence is my slime that I have been bringing to Hebrew and Jewish Studies. My goal for gym is if I don’t like the unit then I try to have a growth mindset. My evidence is I have just been trying to go along with the unit. My goal for art is trying not to be silly. My evidence is that I have been telling the teacher that someone is distracting me. My goal for social studies is trying to have a open mindset when I don’t like what we are doing. I don’t have evidence because we haven’t started Social Studies because we are still in science.

Art Museum

When my class went to the art museum we were learning about portraits. I learned that some types of portraits can be a sculpture or a painting of a famous person. My favorite portrait was about a person who had flowers all around him. The Art Museum was so fun.

Veterans day

I can’t believe it was Veterans day on Sunday!! But this veterans day is special. It’s the 100th anniversary of the unofficial end of world war 2!! Sometimes people mix up memorial day with Veterans day.  Thank you to all the people who served our country.

Goals for Subjects

For math my goal is slowing down so that I won’t make simple math mistakes . I will do this by going through the problem more than once.

My goal for writing in Nonfiction is trying to not  get overwhelmed . I will do this by having a friend or teacher help me.

My new goal for reading is trying to understand word I don’t know. I will do this by using my reader’s binder to keep track of the words and looking them up or using context clues.

My goal for Hebrew and Jewish studies is going to be not to laugh that much. I will do this by not looking at the person who is making people laugh.

My goal for Gym is trying to have a growth mindset when I don’t like the unit. I will do this being open and trying new things in the unit.

My goal for Art is also trying not to be silly. I will do this by telling the teacher that someone is distracting me and not looking at the person.

My goal for Social Studies is trying to have a open mindset. I will do this by asking a lot of questions.