SWBST cpt: 6-7

chapter 6.  King A wanted to reward Mordechai with great honor but, Haman disagreed with that decision but, he did not have a choice, so he did what the king demanded and gave Morichai a parade throughout the city. then once that was over, Mordechai returned to the king’s palace when Haman went home moaning for what he did to something he wanted to get rid of.

chapter 7.  Esther held a big feast in the palace inviting Haman and the king. the king said to Esther that she could give any request and it would be granted. Esther said to the king that Haman was planning to kill all of the jews including herself and she wanted to kill Haman. by then, the king was filled with rage. so Haman was impaled on a stake 50 cubits high. then the king’s anger and rage adapted.

high holidays project

I know that we use all of the symbols mostly at the same time also a Jewish new year

1 why have a shofar?

2 why ap and hon?

3 why?

4 why is roshashana  the new year and not like sukkot

5 why a ram’s horn

6 why is it called Rosh ha sha na

7 why not other foods

8 why apples

9 why honey


all of the help I can get


Due Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Title: Silly Shamrocks Reflection


Categorize: ETC


Copy and paste the questions below on your blog. Please make sure to answer in complete sentences thoughtfully and thoroughly.


  • What did you notice or observe during this challenge? it was easy


  • What kind of questions did you ask yourself (meta)? why is this so easy


  • How did the time limit impact your ability to solve this breakout session? it made us go faster


  • What were your biggest connections when solving this challenge? I don’t like ST. Patrick’s day


  • What was the most challenging aspect of this challenge?to find the clues


  • What two strategies helped you and your team the most when completing the challenge? be creative and find links

Title: Og’s Great Adventure Reflection


Categorize: ETC


Copy and paste the questions below on your blog. Please make sure to answer in complete sentences thoughtfully and thoroughly.


  • What did you notice or observe during the challenge? it wasn’t too hard and it wasn’t too easy


  • What kind of questions did you ask yourself (meta)? why is this so easy


  • When did you first begin drawing connections between the different puzzles and pictures? when the answers wherein links


  • What were those connections? when the answers wherein links


  • What were your biggest clues? the picture of the family on the bottom


  • What was the most challenging? finding the 9 letter word lock


  • What was your biggest ah-ha moment? Why? when I figured out the clues


first clue

Title: First Clue

Category: ETC


Answer each of these questions completely in your blog. Take your time and write more than one sentence per response!


  • What did you notice or observe during the game? well we did not finish our game so we really did not do anything interesting.
  • What kind of questions did you ask yourself (meta)? why are we doing this? and I don’t get this
  • When did you first begin drawing connections between different characters, clues, pieces of information? since we did not have any time to play i could not find any connections
  • What were those connections? none
  • What were your biggest clues?none
  • What information seems most important to collect? who? what? where?

*What is the difference between an observation and information?

in an observation you discover something. in info. you learn about something.