building reflection

Category: ETC

Title: Building Reflection


What about the building process was challenging? it was not challenging because we did not have to use that many materials.

How did your build differ from your plan? (If your build was different than your plan, update your plan!) use wood instead of cardboard.

How did your group work well together during the build? What would you do again? we each had a part to do during the process.

How did your group struggle during the build? What would you change? we did not know how to build the tower.

end of NA unit reflection


How do you think you have grown as a learner since the beginning of this unit? I have learned more about all types of things and now later in life I can use this knowledge


What topic this unit has been most interesting to you? Explain. the Christopher Columbus unit was interesting because it made me learn more about Columbus and things i did not know about him before.


Think about our school values.

  • What has this unit made you wonder? why is the word redskins a bad word for NA
  • How has this unit made you feel empathy?it made me feel empathy for the NA’s is reservations
  • How has this unit strengthened your feeling of Tikkun Olam?you should think about how things in life are going for not just yourself but other people too.


What can we (your teachers) change to make this unit better in the future?

nothing really I am already better.