My Readers Goal


What I am working on for my reading goal.

my goal is to make 12 predictions in 2 weeks.

last week I did 8 predictions, and this week I will be doing 4 predictions and then I will reach my goal,

and I write if my predictions came true or not.

What Did I Learn In Rainbow Day Camp

In rainbow day camp I learned…

to have fun and not get frustrated,

and to work together, and have teamwork.

I will do that by staying calm and helping friends that need help.

I want to do this because I want to be happy and make other people happy.

We did a game were we needed to make a tower of  balloons and tape.

There were teams and our idea was to blow balloons and tape them together. But I was trying to tell them to concentrate and not get distracted, but they did not listen.  I was starting to get frustrated with my team but I kept working.  The rest of my team gave up. I learned that everyone in a group should try and participate and not just be competitive.


We played a lot of games and in a lot of them people were a little too competitive. I learned that it’s important to listen to directions, and work together. Next time I am sure they work together and listen more.  One thing that was

fun was laser tag that was my favorite game. I got terminated the first game but the last game I did not die.  Even when I was terminated I still had a good time.


Math Project


For our math project we are building a shelf!

We  already got the measurements.

My partner’s name is Ngoldenberg23.

We are going to build shelf and use it to put our art boxes on. On the other shelf we will put our Writer’s Workshop binders.

We still need to measure and cut wood so that we can start building. 

I am really exited to build this shelf. I am excited to build this because it will be the first piece of furniture that I built.

What I Want To work on in Readers work Shop

I want to work on making predictions in Reader’s Workshop.

I will I will try to make at least 8 predictions per book.

In my readers binder, I will keep a list of predictions and write if my predictions came true or not.  I will also try to add evidence to support my ideas.

I know this goal is reachable because some predictions are easy to make and I know how to make predictions.

I will use the next two weeks to work on making predictions.