Newspaper Shoe Challenge

Today’s Challenge: Using only newspaper, 24 inches of tape, and one scissors, you and your partner need to create one shoe that fits either you or your partner’s foot. The shoe must be able to come on and off without falling apart.


Teamwork Rubric Focus (Communication):


My goal for communication today within my team is…

to communicate if the shoe feels good or not good if I am wearing it.

My Individual Plan <insert photo of sketch and/or type out a plan>

My plan is to make the shoe layered and thick so it doesn’t fall apart or break and find a shoe that is easy and sturdy. 

Why I think my plan will be successful:

I think it will be successful because it is sturdy and not weak.  

Our Group’s Plan <insert photo or sketch and/or type out the plan>

the plan is to make slides shoes that are strong and thick.

We chose this plan because…

because it is easy to make and it should work because it is thick and sturdy.

Possible challenges that may come up during construction…

it could break or we could argue.

Each partner will be responsible for…

JB: model and builder DY: builder and designer. 

After the Build

<insert photo of completed shoe>

Our design worked well because…

it was supported and it slid on and off. 

This activity was challenging because…

we didn’t know if it would break or even fit so we went with our gut.

This activity was comfortable because….

I was with my friend and I have done something like this before.

I met my teamwork communication goal by…

I communicated when it worked and didn’t and told my partner if it needed more tape.

A strength of my partnership was….

we communicated to each other telling each other what we needed.

An area of growth for my partnership is…

we could have used our time better and not make as many details.

For our next challenge, my new teamwork communication goal for myself is…

to be able to to the other side of the challenge and not be the model.

End of Native American Unit Refection


How do you think you have grown as a learner since the beginning of this unit?

I think I’ve grown by becoming a better listener and writer

What topic this unit has been most interesting to you? Explain.

I think the Christofer Columbus debate because it was fun to study about him and learn about him

Think about our school values.

  • What has this unit made you wonder?

I wondered about the Native American Reservations 

  • How has this unit made you feel empathy?

I felt empathetic to the Native Americans and how they are treated

  • How has this unit strengthened your feeling of Tikkun Olam?

I have strengthened my feeling of Tikkun Olam because I realized how bad the world can be to other people  

What can we (your teachers) change to make this unit better in the future?

my teachers can give more team projects to do in the unit. 

Reflecting on ETC

How have you changed as a group member this year in ETC?

I have changed by not interrupting my group mates, I have listened better when my teammates are talking, I have calmed my nerve when things don’t work out how I want them to and I have helped and have been more involved in the challenges.

How has working in ETC made you a better student in other classes? (Social Studies, ELA, Jewish Studies, Hebrew, Math, Science)

It has made me a better groupmate and I can listen without getting distracted so easily when I think the topic is boring. 

Thinking about my blog posts, I have improved by….

I have improved by making my writing clearer and easier to read, I have also made my posts better in the writing and in making it make more sense. 

In the future, I plan to improve my blog posts by….

making my posts easier to read and more descriptive. 

Native American Experiences

Some Native Americans do not like the term Native American. Explain why they reject this name.

they reject the name because they don’t like the American part because of the American government 

One person in the BBC Video said that living in poverty does not mean they are poor. What do you think he meant by that?

I think he meant that they are rich in their own way.

Some Native Americans approve of the team name Redskins. What is their reason for approving this name while others do not?

I think they approve it because at least they have a team named after them and it may not be offensive to them

In the CNN segment, there was a story told about a woman who used to approve of the name Redskins, and now does not. What changed? Why does she no longer approve of the name?

I think she found the name to be offensive after time

How can non-Native people help others learn about Native Americans current issues? What can we do to help?

we can show other people CNN 10 and other current events

Cup Holder Challenge


Today’s Challenge: Using only provided materials ( 6 straws, 1 piece of paper, a piece of tinfoil, 12 inches of masking tape, 2 paperclips, 2 pieces of string, 1 envelope, and 2 pipe cleaners)  create a structure that holds two cups as high as possible and as far apart as possible.


Teamwork Rubric Focus:


My goal for participation today while working in my group is…

to not interrupt my group

My Individual Plan <insert photo of sketch and/or type out a plan>

Why I think my plan will be successful:

I think it will be successful because it has a lot of support, and it is decent in size and pretty wide 

My Groups Plan <insert photo or sketch and/or type out the plan>

We chose this plan because…

it looked like it would work the best and it was well written.

Possible challenges that may come up during construction…

it might fall apart, or not support the cups.

Each group member will be responsible for…

AK: builder  AK: builder  JB: documenter  GL: documenter  

After the Build

<insert photo of completed structure >

Our design worked well because…

it was well supported and decent in size and I think it was creative 

This activity was challenging because…

our structure was very original so it was very sensitive.  

This activity was comfortable because….

everyone did their job well and we didn’t argue 

I met my participation goal by…

not interrupting my group mates 

A strength of my team was….

we finished on time and talked to each other 

An area of growth for my team is…

we helped each other if they needed it 

For our next challenge, my new participation goal for myself is…

to participate more

Plant seed Organic vs Inorganic

Throughout our science unit, we have been focusing on an organic and inorganic material. As an experiment, we decided to compare the growth of a bean seed in organic material vs inorganic material. We developed hypotheses and predicted what type of material our bean seeds would grow best in. Over the past three weeks, we have observed our bean seeds once or twice a week to see how they are changing and growing. Below are my observations I noticed today.

Here is a picture of my bean seed growing inorganic material:

Here is a picture of my bean seed growing in inorganic material:

My observations about my bean plant that is growing in organic material are… that it grew much better and taller. it looks healthier and bigger.

My observations about my bean plant that is growing in the inorganic material are… it looks dead it, is short and unhealthy

Conclusion: I think the plants grew better in the Orangic material because of these reasons: it is taller, bigger and healthier.

Native American Mascots

Explain why or why not Mascots meant to resemble Native American people should be changed.

they should change their mascot because it is rude and offensive to place stereotypes on people.   

Should Native American people be given something in return for these mascots? Why?

yes, because they were wronged and they should get some money from racism and stereotypes.   

Do you think it would be important to you to change these mascots if a mascot was made of you? Explain.

yes, because I don’t think the Native Americans chose these mascots so if a team suddenly chose me I wouldn’t be happy  

Should these teams and the government give Native Americans reparations? Why?

yes because the Native Americans were wronged and they should be paid from stereotypes and racism 

Solving word Problems with Fractions

Today in math we continued to work on solving word problems with fractions. When solving word problems we need to draw a visual to represent the problem, write an equation(s) with a variable to represent the unknown amount, show our work, and write the answer with a label. Shown below is what this looks like based on the following word problem:

“Rex is making bread. He combines 1 3/4 cups of white flour and 2 1/3 cups of wheat flour. He adds rye flour to make a total of 5 cups. How much rye flour does he add?”

1) Here is a picture of my visual:

2) Here is a picture of my equation(s) with a variable to represent the unknown amount:

3) Here is a picture of the work I did to solve the problem:

4) My answer and label are…
11/12 of rye bread 

5) Why does drawing a visual help when solving a word problem?

it can help people who can’t understand numbers easily 

6) How are you feeling about solving word problems with fractions? Is there anything that you still need help with or need to work on further?
I would want to work on harder problems
7) We have our Unit 1 test this Friday. Is there anything that you do not understand or want more help with?
no, but I would like to spend time before the test studying 
8) What will you do throughout this week so you are prepared for the test this Friday?

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Puzzle Piece Post

<insert photo of puzzle piece>

In August, I thought the following about myself as a learner:

I thought I needed space, quiet and a comfortable place to do whatever I needed to work on

Today, I would add the following to my puzzle piece….because…

I would add I need a little noise, some space but someone can be next to me and I can work in a chair, table, desk or couch because I’ve learned to adjust. 

Today, I would tweak or modify my puzzle piece by….because…

I would tweak the noise, the place and who I am by because I have grown out of the specific situations   

I think I’ve already grown this year as a learner by…

being able to work with other people than my close friends and letting everyone have a turn 

Thinking about working in teams in ETC, my classmates can best support my learning needs by….

helping out in the group and not putting so much pressure on me

Columbus Debate Reflection

Explain how your group worked together before the debate (during research). Did you work well together?

before the debate we organized what we were going to say and when we were going to say it. We worked really well together.

Explain how your group worked together during the debate. Did you work well together?

we worked together by letting each other talk and didn’t interrupt them. Yes we worked well together

What can you do differently next time? Why will this help you and your group improve?

shorten peoples talking time, so everyone can have an equal amount. I think it would make a difference because everyone would have the same amount of time to talk.

Explain how this debate influenced your opinion on Columbus.

it influenced me because when I was researching I found a lot of bad things which made me see how bad people can be