Mistakes From the Math Tutorial

In out video we got out final answer wrong. If you watched it, you might know that. What I would do differently if we make a new video is:

I would change the improper fraction to the mixed number differently and I would want to talk more. I think that my partner talked almost the whole time and I only spoke for a minute and I did not get to say what I wanted to say.

I think that we will do another one soon.


Growing In ETC

In ETC  I think that I have grown by sometimes letting my friends lead instead of me because I like to lead but sometimes others do too. In the catapult challenge I let a friend lead instead of me because she had a good idea and was good at leading.

High Holiday Reflection

For my high holiday project, I chose to learn about the Holy Temple on Yom Kippur. Our driving question (the main question) was; what are the differences of the Yom Kippur service now and in the time of the Holy Temple?                     We found out that in the time of the Holy Temple we sacrificed animals and the High Priest who was like a Rabbi, went into the Holy of Holies (a place that only the High Priests could go and only on Yom Kippur) and asked G-d to forgive all of Israel for all their sins. We also know that now, we go to services and we pray with a Rabbi, not High Priest and you are not in the BeitHamikdash when you pray. This was a very interesting and very hard topic to research and make a poster about and I really like how it turned out!

Timeline Reflection

In Social Studies this week we worked on making our own timelines for our lives.                                                                       My timeline started with when I was born and then ended with me being in my first musical. I really liked making a timeline for my own life because it helped me learn more about timelines like how to space them and how to decide what to put in them and that pictures make them more exciting and fun for people to make and look at.                               I now have looked at others projects and made my own. I really did not know much about timelines before I did this project but now I know what other people’s look like like and how to make my own.

Lake Geneva Canopy Tours

On Thursday the 5th and 6th grade went to Lake Geneva Canopy Tours.                                                                                        It was super fun. In the morning we did team building. My favorite team building activity was where we swung on a rope across fake hot lava and if we touched it more than 3 times we had to carry our tour guide to the next station (luckily that did not happen). It was great for working together! My group worked together and got every person across! I learned that if you work together that you will get to your goal.

After lunch we ziplined! It was fun and scary! The ziplines got bigger each one we did! I was SUPER terrified but, I overcame my fear and it made me feel awesome!!!!!!!!! I learned that you should try new things and that ziplining is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! The best one was the huge one at the end! Everyone cheered eachother on! I even heard the people who didn’t do the big zipline calling up to us, cheering for us. It was also great to cheer for your friends.

This was probobly my favoite field trip EVER! Everyone should go to Lake Geneva Canopy Tours!

ETC Challenges

This week in ETC we worked on mini challenges (similar to science). My favorite challenge was the one where we had to make a ring out of pringles.

In this challenge we had to make a ring out of pringles and have it stand up on its own.    The difficulties in this challenge were that we had to make it a real circle. Not an oval not a hexagon. A real, no bumps, circle. Another thing was that the pringles cracked and broke. That made them pretty hard to work with. The easy thing in this challenge were making a base. The base was made out of crushed pringles and made a steady base. Better than the slippery table.

This was a very fun challenge that others could try and learn from.

What I Learned in Science This Week

This week in science we did lots of mini challenges such as making a boat out of tinfoil and seeing how many pennies we could put into the boat before it sank.

My favorite challenge was when we had to save Fred (a gummy worm) from drowning.

The supplies we had was; 4 paper clips (for whatever we wanted), 1 gummy worm (Fred), one lifesaver candy (for Fred’s life preserver), and one paper cup (for Fred’s boat).

The rules were that you could not touch Fred or his boat or life preserver. The only thing that we could touch, were the paper clips and that you could not stab Fred.

What we did was we picked Fred up with paper clip tweezers. Then we flipped over the boat with more paper clip tweezers. Next we picked up the life preserver with the tweezers and squeezed Fred in. This was a very fun challenge and I want to try it again another time with a different plan.


High Holiday Project Brainstorm

Our topic is the holy temple and what it’s services for Yom Kippur were like back then.

We don’t really know much about our topic but we will do a lot of research.

A couple questions that I have are:

  1. How did the holy temple’s services on Yom Kippur connect to the services in our temples on Yom Kippur now (our driving question)?
  2. Did the people respond differently to the Yom Kippur services then, than now?

We will look for answers to our questions in books and reliable online sources.

The help that we need from teachers to move forward in our project is good online sources to help get information.

My Summer Reading Book


Lucy wanted to be home schooled but her grandmother made her go to middle school before applying for college (she is a genius-ish) so Lucy goes to middle school, makes friends and enemy’s, becomes to love a dog and goes to a horrible birthday party then she learns what middle school and friends are really about.




I am choosing the talk show project. I am choosing this project because I think that it will tell most about the book without giving everything away. I am going to write my question and Lucy’s answer connecting to the book as best as I can.