Farkle: Fun Math Game


Farkle is a fun and challenging dice game with multiple variations and scoring options.

6 Dice
Ten Thousand

Game Summary

To score a minimum of 10,000 points.


You can also buy boxed versions of the game!

We provide a free printable Farkle score sheet and scoring and rules summary.

Farkle score sheets

2 or more, but best with 3-8 players

How to Play Farkle

The following Farkle rules are the most commonly used, but there are numerous variations to choose from (see Variations below). Before the game begins, players should establish which rules or variations will be used. Our scoring summary chart makes this process easy and provides for endless variety in your Farkle games!

One player is chosen to begin and play moves clockwise around the table. Each player in turn rolls all six dice and checks to see if they have rolled any scoring dice or combinations. (See Scoring below.) Any dice that score may be set aside and then the player may choose to roll all the remaining dice. The player must set aside at least one scoring die of their choice if possible but is not required to set aside all scoring dice.

For example, if a player rolled 1-2-2-5-5-6 on their turn, they could set aside the 1 and the two 5’s for scoring, or they could choose to set aside only the 1. Any scoring dice that are not set aside may be rerolled along with the non-scoring dice.

If all six dice have been set aside for scoring (known as having “hot dice”), the player can choose to roll all six dice again and continue adding to their accumulated score or they can bank their points, end their turn, and pass the dice to the next player.

A player’s turn continues until either they decide to stop (at which point they then score their accumulated points) or until they fail to roll any scoring dice on a throw.

If a player scores no points on a roll, this is known as a Farkle. The player may continue to roll any dice that have not been previously set aside for scoring, but all of their points gained so far that turn are lost.

At the end of a player’s turn, any points they have scored are written down and the dice are passed to the next player.


1 100 points
5 50 points
Three 1’s 1,000 points
Three 2’s 200 points
Three 3’s 300 points
Three 4’s 400 points
Three 5’s 500 points
Three 6’s 600 points
1-2-3-4-5-6  3000 points
3 Pairs 1500 points (including 4-of-a-kind and a pair)

Note that scoring combinations only count when made with a single throw. (Example: If a player rolls a 1 and sets it aside and then rolls two 1’s on their next throw, they only score 300 points, not 1000.)

Sometimes a single roll will provide multiple ways to score. For example, a player rolling 1-2-4-5-5-5 could score one of the following:

  • 100 points for the 1
  • 150 points for the 1 and a 5
  • 500 points for the three 5’s
  • 600 points for the 1 and the three 5’s

The first player to score a total of 10,000 or more points wins, provided that no other players with a remaining turn can exceed that score.

Farkle Scoring Variations

Several scoring variations are listed below. These can be used in combination with, or in place of, the basic scoring scheme above. You are free to choose any or all of the variations that you wish, although you may only want to use one or two at a time so that the game doesn’t get too complex.

The basic scoring, along with all these variants, are conveniently listed on our free Farkle score sheets and scoring and rules summary.

  • Three pairs = 500 points
    Alternatively: 600, 750, 1000, or 1,500 points
  • Four of a kind = 2x (double) the 3-of-a-kind value
    Alternatively: 1000 points
    Alternatively: 4x the 3-of-a-kind value
  • Five of a kind = Triple the 3-of-a-kind value
    Alternatively: 2000 points
    Alternatively: 6x the 3-of-a-kind value
  • Six of a kind = Quadruple the 3-of-a-kind value
    Alternatively: 3000 points
    Alternatively: 8x the 3-of-a-kind value
  • Six 1’s = 5000 points
    Alternatively: The player instantly wins
  • Two triplets = 2500 points
  • Three 1’s = 300 points (Known as a Pocket Farkle)
  • No points for a straight
  • Straight = 1500 points
    Alternatively: 1200, 2000, or 2500 points
  • Opening Score
    When the game begins, each player must continue throwing the dice until they have scored at least 500 points or until they Farkle. Once they have reached the 500 points, they are free to continue rolling or end their turn.
    Opening scores of 350, 400, 600, or 1000 points may be used instead of 500.
  • Alternative Winning Score
    The target score needed to win the game is greater or less than 10,000 (e.g., 20,000 or 5000)
  • Hot Dice Roll
    A player who scores on all six dice must roll them all again at least once.
  • Three Farkles
    A player who rolls three Farkles in a row loses 1000 points.
  • Toxic Twos
    Four or more 2’s thrown in a single roll cancels the player’s entire score for that turn and ends their turn immediately.
  • High Stakes (or Greed)
    A player may choose to begin their turn by rolling the dice remaining from the previous player’s turn (e.g., those dice that were not set aside for scoring from the previous player’s turn). If the player scores with any of the dice on the first roll, they receive 1000 points in addition to any other points they may accumulate.
  • Welfare
    A player must score exactly 10,000 points to win the game. If a player scores more than 10,000 points, then all points scored that turn are given to the player with the lowest score.
  • Five Dice Farkle
    Five dice are used instead of six. (Obviously, certain scoring combinations, such as three pair, are impossible using this variant.)
  • Team Farkle
    The game is played in teams. Teammates sit opposite each other at the table and combine their scores. The game is typically played to 20,000 points instead of 10,000.


One thought on “Farkle: Fun Math Game

  1. Awesome! Farkle is a favorite in our house. Thanks for sharing all of the variations

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