shirschtritt's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

April 11, 2019
by shirschtritt25

Eiffel Tower

We where in the spaghetti group. We worked hard to make the Eiffel Tower. We finished it in time.There was a Lego group,tin foil,pretzel, and cups. We where the second  group done. At first we did not do very well. So we did it again and again and then we got  it. After we where done we made a sign and we said Eiffel Tower and then we said by us  I think we did a good job!


April 5, 2019
by shirschtritt25

Homeless People

We are learning  about homeless people. And we learned that they really find refrigerator boxes and live in them. And we read a book about  a dad and a boy that lived in a airport. These are some reasons that they would need to live in a airport, their  house burnt, down mom got sick and could not pay for the medacean. And they can also live  in  in a homeless shelter.  I want them to find homes . I hope we go to a shelter.

March 22, 2019
by shirschtritt25
1 Comment


Yesterday we had Purim  and we packed gifts. And we gave it to Hillel.   Then we also went on a field trip we went to the Jewish home.  We played games with the seniors. And then we gave them the gifts.  We went to school and we had a special  lunch. After that we  watched a short movie. And then we had story  after that went to the Purim  carnival. Then it was the end of are  day  we also saw a magic show with Adon Kass  I love Purim!

March 14, 2019
by shirschtritt25

Decorating Our House

Today we decorated are houses and we used a lot of materials. Such as curtains  and wallpaper  and welcome rugs .  Are house has a blind.  And this is the only day that we get to buy  and we get to buy only for 1 hour.  And we had a sale that everything that you buy is one dollar.  And the store is in the hallway  and I am the second one that will live in the house.  My partner is Maddy  and  we got house number 1  A person   gets to live in a house for ten days.  And we painted are house yesterday.  The house is about the size of a refrigerator box. so it is pretty little  to live in. I love to live in a house it  is so fun! I can’t wait to move in!

March 7, 2019
by shirschtritt25
1 Comment

Maple Sugar

Today we went  to the  Audubon and are leader was farmer Jessie. We went to the maple trees and learned how they drilled a small howl and then the sap  came out.  Then we took the sap to the sugar shack. And because the sap is mostly made out of water it has to get evaporated. Then it will turn into syrup.  I liked going to the Audubon it was very fun!

March 1, 2019
by shirschtritt25
1 Comment


I have chosen to write my Non-fiction story about chocolate. Each chapter is going to be a different kind of cool fact  about chocolate. We will maybe be able to print some pictures and draw some pictures .We are in selecting unit I am very excited to start writing and illustrating I want to make my story very interesting. And I hope my story will have   a least 7 pages long.

March 1, 2019
by shirschtritt25


Today’s parsha was about building the meshcan And a question I still have is how did the jews get all the gold  and jewelry to make the meshcan. And they all helped build the meshcan with there talents.


February 22, 2019
by shirschtritt25

Parsha Ki Tisa

in parsha we learned that the jews made and prayed to the golden caf when moeshewas on harsenay. and the jews punishment was that they couldent go to Israel.

February 21, 2019
by shirschtritt25


We are doing elections for the community  project.  And the options are mayor,supervisor of maintenance,housing            commissioner and judge.I am going to run for the Mayer.You need to make a speech if you want to run for a job in the   office. Can you please help me on my speech. You have the option of dressing up. And the elections are on February 28. and Gev. Dowling will make the ballot for writing your name. I hope I win the elections.Thank you for all your help.

February 14, 2019
by shirschtritt25

100 days

Today is the 100th day of school. And we did  contests,  The first contests was the food contest.  this is what is we did we needed to count the cheerios and chocolate chips and craisins  and pretzels.  We did tower buildings  and we saw who did it the tallest. And we also  of  did 100 drops of water in cups. And we also did  are list of things that we were going to do before we were 100 years old.  And  I think 2nd grade  is the best class I’v ever been to so far and I can not wait for the next 100th day of school