shirschtritt's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

October 4, 2018
by shirschtritt25
1 Comment

Urban Ecology

On owr feald trip we had a parntners. we were weth 2 other schools and my parner was named Michael  and he was a boy. we did a scavenger hike  and a bird hunt and we made jack rabbit toy.

September 21, 2018
by shirschtritt25


I have a question what are we doing for Sukkot? can we make a sukkah? and if we make a sukkot can I make decarations.

September 17, 2018
by shirschtritt25


I chose responsible because I need to take care of my things. and I can be a beter lisiner and not take wene others are talking.and follow darecshons and be kind.