shirschtritt's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

February 1, 2019
by shirschtritt25


I did not now that mozes went on mont sighn ay for 40 days and 40 nights.and I did not now that mozez had helpers.  

Martin  was a  smart child he changed the world. It was 1929  when he was born. And it was in 1968 when he died. he

won the Noble  peace prize  in 1964 .He fought for equal rights.He skipped 2  grades and he went to college at 15. And

graduated at age 18. Skin color dos not matter everyone is equal.

January 4, 2019
by shirschtritt25


Today’s parsha was about the 10 plags. first moshe was with the igipshins. then he was with the jew’s.he marryed sepora.

January 3, 2019
by shirschtritt25

One Word Goal

My one word  goal is curious . I feel I need to get more in to the  learning and I need to get a little more curious. I am   going  to ask more questions.

December 20, 2018
by shirschtritt25

bloging for the week

In writers workshop we are learning about fairy tales .My options are Cindermia,Juliette and the  beanstalk and snow black. We are in Generating Ideas.  My top story is  Juliette and the beanstalk.I am so excited to start writing.   What do … Continue reading

December 13, 2018
by shirschtritt25

What We Are Doing

We are exploring the world in collaboration. We are dowing Brazil and we have made are own suitcases and pasports.  Mrs,piggel wiggle is the book we are raeding. as a class.

December 7, 2018
by shirschtritt25


In are science we are lerning about little  subareans that are called submersibles. At the end of the unit we get to make one. When it is too dangerous thay  will send robots in the sea. Thay will search the … Continue reading