
People of kenya  love to make  beaded jewelry  it is  beautiful. They have a lot of  animals. I will tell you the big five are lions leopords rhinos cape bufflo and eliphant.

rosa parks

one day rosa parks was comeing home from a long day at work and she was going to go on the buss. And they had a long rid .There were a lot of stops   and a wight person asked the person who drov the buss to sit were rosa parks sat and she refused to Read More…

Boxcar children

Geveret is reading us a  book called the box car children.It  is a good book. It is a story for kids. Two boys and two girls the two boys are named henry and benny and the two girls are named Jessie and Violet. they are poor kids and one day the kids came up to Read More…


In second grade we made 200 sufganiot for the hole  school! The first step we roled it in surgar. Next we poked holes in them. Then the last step before the eating the sufgaot  was we put jelly in the hole.  I am excited to eat them.

Hanukkah heros

In Jewish studies we are reading a book and that is how we  get are heros  my hero is lilly marks     she was the first Jewish prima ballerina assoluta  she would help people

Writers work shop

In writers work shop we are in the step Immersion.  It is when you read a lot of books! And soon we will be in generating  ideas.   I have leared that fairy tales mostley have magic and end happily ever after .  We  are learning  fairy tales,  folk tales and  fables. I like this unit.

Making New Tens and Hundreds

  24 +87 ____ This is the kind of math problem we are doing in math! It does not show up there  but there is supposed to have like a one  on top well sort of  it stands for a ten. you no that 7+4 =11 and that  8+2=10 so it is kind of  hard Read More…

The First Thanksgiving

As you no I was talking about I think it was 1 or 2 times ago  I was talking about the play . We have made our scenery . We have made the hale house and the white house  and Plimoath  plantation. That is  were the  pilgrims ended when they set  sail. Do you know Read More…

puppet show`

In Jewish studies we are doing a puppet show . My puppets name is Leah and I am a sailor. I was in tow parts it was fun !  In my part there is  a Jonah  and  god, and they are in a big fight.  I am mad in both my parts.  In my first Read More…

Thanksgiving play

In second grade we are doing a play! And we picked our parts I am Sarah Josepha  hale ! I have a son named William hale and a daughter named Frances hale. And we are going to get our costumes did you no that you are coming to it? And in the play I will Read More…