The Coronavirus

There is a new virus spreading it is called the coronavirus . We are trying to stop it. Try to help make sure you and your children wash there hands.

Audubon Center

We went to the Audubon Center , we learned how sap is now maple syrup. We made necklace with wood. We did a scavenger hunt. It was fun, I can not wait to come back, I loved it.

Flat Stanley

We finish the first book of the flat Stanley series. I can not wait to read the next book. This will be fun. It will be fun to learn more. It will be fun to send letters to our friends. There are more books.

Baobab Tree

I am doing a project with Jaron and Riley. We cut a tree out of cardboard. We are going to put animals and insects on it. It is fun.  I can’t wait to learn more.

Paper Mache

We use old newspapers and past them on to are animals. We are going to do that on Monday. This will be fun. I  am doing a baboon.


Yesterday we made Sufganiot. First we rolled it in sugar. Then I poked the hole. Then I filled it with jelly. It was fun.