I’m thinking of a character in the Torah…

Today 1st and 2nd grade played a rousing game of “I’m thinking of a character in the Torah who….”

We had a blast and I was so excited to hear what they knew.

Try this at home with your child.

I’m thinking of a character in the Torah who….

… Is the brother of the person who let the Jews out of Egypt(Aharon/Aaron/

… Flew out of the ark and never came back (Raven)

… Almost sacrficed his son (Avraham)

… Ate a tree first from the tree of knowledge of good and evil

…turned into a pillar of salt (Lot’s wife)

… An evil wizard who meant to cheese the Jews, but God turned his curse into a blessing (Balaam)

שבת שלום! Shabbat Shalom


Welcome to 6/7 Hebrew with Gev. Kleiman

Welcome to this special space where the 6th and 7th grade Hebrew students and I can share the learning happening in Hebrew.

Here is a link to some of our Flip Grids, an app we use to document our learning! Enjoy 🙂


Below, you can check out our map projects the students worked on. The Hebrew skills we were reviewing included vocabulary and grammar to help describe a map to an audience.


Our friends and our hands….

This week in GAN was full of fun.

We missed our Junior friends on Tuesday as they went on a field trip, but this gave the seniors a wonderful chance to practice recognizing their friends Hebrew names. We worked on writing names and recognizing the first letters of our friends Hebrew names.

The song of the week is about our HANDS- Yadai’yim, and what we can do with them:) Ask your child to sing this to you and do the dance!

We continued our learning about the creation story and the kids are creating giant nubmers to represent each day of creation. We will finish these next week and put them in the hallway. Keep your eyes peeled 🙂

Shabbat Shalom!

Bet, Creation and BALOONS!

So much fun learning is happening in first grade.

The students focused their Hebrew learning on the letter Bet this week, learning the following words:

Bayit- House

Balone- Balloon

Barak- A boy in our virtual Class

Aba- Dad

Saba- Grandpa

Shabbat- Sabbath

The students also began creating a picture dictionary this week. We will add to this with every new letter they learn and this will be something tangible to bring home at the end of the year to showcase their learning.

We learned how to record our voices in iTalam this week, so the students can practice reading out loud at home and in class, and even better, the send it to me so I get to hear it. It’s a wonderful tool!

We had a wonderful discussion about CREATION today as we learned the story of Bereshit and the students had so many wonderful questions. Some questions that stick out to me include:

How was their light on the first day if the sun wasn’t created till day 4?

Where did God put the water on day 2 if Earth wasn’t created till day 4?

What does darkness really mean?

Make sure to check out their seesaw posts to see something new they learned or a question they may still have.

**Announcement: Pajama day is next Thursday 10/18. Your child can bring one stuffed animal 🙂

Shabbat Shalom,

Mara Kleiman


We began learning Parshat Hashavua today, the weekly story in the Torah. UNFORTUNATELY, we are already a week behind (we didn’t start last week, when it was the proper time to start!), so we focused our learning today on Bereshit, the creation story, even though synagogues will be reading the story of Noah and the Ark this week.

The second graders had wonderful questions about the origins of the Torah, as well as about the creation story. Ask your child to share something new he or she learned about creation OR maybe a question he or she still has.

Our Hebrew learning has been focused on introducing ourselves to others in Hebrew. We’ve also spent a great deal learning the proper way to greet others into a room. We have been practicing a play and we intend to create the costumes and background for our play this upcoming week.

We hope to preform the play for you in the week of 10/22.

Please fill out this doodle letting me know the best time for you to come see our play. It will be less than ten minutes.







We had a fun filled week in Gan. We continued to learn about the creation story and the children are working in small groups to create visual representations of each day of Creation. This week we planned and created rough drafts, and we look forward to creating our final project next week.

We are so lucky that the 8th graders took their time to create a beautiful lesson for us about colors and classroom materials. It was so neat that they were our teachers for a day! Ask your child about it.

We have continued to focus on the letters Aleph and Shin, and look forward to learning the letter Bet next week. These are some of the words we know so far:

Shin Words:

Shalom- Hi, Goodbye, Peace

Shatiach- Carpet

Sheket- Quiet

Shemesh- Sun

Shabbat- Sabbath


Aleph Words:

Aba- Dad

Ima- Mom

Ani- I or me


Aron- Closet or cupboard

Adon- Mr.

Our Gan Gadol helped us by making a picture dictionary of some of our new words

check it out here: Our Picture Dictionary

Every week, we practice and learn one song for the whole week. By the end of the week, we truly own the song. This week’s song is found below and was chosen to help us remember the Aleph word ANI!

Back to Blogging!

Dear Parents, Family and Friends,

I am looking forward to getting back to blogging this year and giving you weekly updates on the exciting things happening at MJDS.  Please subscribe to this page (JOIN OUR JOURNEY found at the top right of this page) to get notifications of when there is a new blog post. You should get a weekly e-mail with all of the posts I have made during week on Fridays at 4:00 PM (it will switch to 2 PM come early dismissal).  Be sure to click on the links above to see what is happening in your child’s specific class.

Blog Navigation:

Gan- JK and SK Hebrew and Jewish Studies

Kita Alef- 1st Grade Hebrew and Jewish Studies

Kita Bet- 2nd Grade Hebrew and Jewish Studies

Kita Vav V’Zien- 6th/7th Grade Hebrew

Gev. Kleiman’s Music- A place where I gather my favorites!



Geveret Mara Kleiman