The seniors (and a few Juniors) used their choice time this week to create murals of our winter vocab words from last week, Rain and Snow, Geshem and Sheleg, שלג וגשם.

It has been so much fun getting back into Colors with the little ones. We focused on the following three colors this week:

Red- Adom-אדום


Green- Yarok- ירוק

We made craft sticks covered in materials for each color, which will eventually become a craft stick rainbow when we finish learning all of the colors.

We also went to the gym today be play color tag! Ask your child about it.


Finally, we read the beautiful story by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso “Cain and Abel”. It’s a beautiful story about heavy and scary emotions, portrayed by the relationship between Brothers in the Torah- the first brother’s ever. It describes anger as a burning in the heart and feeling red, and uses throwing a stone as a metaphor for war and violence. But it concludes with the idea that when we don’t throw those stones, we are saving someone’s world. When we don’t use violence- we can save the whole world. Peace.

Also, enjoy this Gem- Juniors lighting candles at Shabbat Sing.

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