


Write a short (1-2 sentence) summary of your idea to improve MJDS.


How do you feel your presentation went?

I think it went smooth and it was fun. It was less pressure than I thought.


How did you feel during your presentation?

I felt good and I sat at the computer so it was less pressure and I wasn’t in front of everyone. 


What was it like to be asked hard questions by your classmates?

It was fun and I am used to it because I have parents that also ask me hard questions.

What was it like to be asked hard questions by Gev. Denny and Adon Lippman? 

Again it was easy because I have parents that also ask me hard questions.

How do you think Abraham felt after arguing with God about Sodom and Gomorrah?

I felt scared but in power because he was stepping up and talking to god.

Compare how you felt presenting your idea to how Abraham might have felt debating with God.  How do you think you felt similar? How do you think you felt different? I think we felt similar because we both felt good and accomplished and happy.

One thought on “reflection

  1. I’m so glad this presentation left you feeling good, accomplished, and happy! We’ll have to make sure that you’re up in front of the group the next time, so you don’t get to hide behind the computer. And how wonderful to have parents who have prepared you so well to face hard questions!

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