Yom Ha’Ivrit – Hebrew Language Day

Today we celebrated Yom H’Ivrit. Israel marks Hebrew Language Day every year on the birthday of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the father of modern spoken Hebrew.

The revival of the Hebrew language is an extraordinary story, unparalleled in history. A language with roots dating back more than 3,000 years, it was brought back to life after centuries during which it effectively lay dormant, and it’s now flourishing in the 21st century.
We talked about  Eliezer Ben Yehuda and his vision, played Hebrew games, talked about onomatopoeia in Hebrew, sign a poster that says “גם אני מדבר עברית” – which means “I speak Hebrew too” and chose their favorite Hebrew word.
The new Hebrew –  העברית החדשה
Shabbat Shalom,
Gev. Ishak

Hanukkah in 4th grade

The past week we were focusing on speaking skill.

In the spirit of Hanukkah, we spread the light by giving compliments to our friends. The Hebrew month is Kislev, which means pocket (kis) and heart (lev), therefore the kids wrote positive things about their friends on a heart and put it in a pocket.

We talked about our favorite sufganiot : with Jelly (Riba), chocolate or candies (sukariot).


Happy Hanukkah!

Gev. Ishak


Hebrew update


This week we learned a new song and also learned new words from it. We practiced the words (day, night gift, the seasons, soul, give, life, earth)  with quizlet and also took a quiz. The kids did great!

We invited Omer the shinshin to our classroom to play for us while we sang.

Today we had an activity for sukkot.


After the holiday we will start to learn a new program, “Haverim B’ivrit”.

Shabbat Shalom and Hag Sameach,

Zehavit Ishak

Pen Pals from Israel

Today we received letters from 4th grade students in Israel. We wrote them back, introduced ourselves (where we live, favorite sports, subject or food) and wished them Shana tova.

We’ll continue this  relationship via emails,  in order to practice Hebrew writing, speaking (by recording)

and also to have an authentic communication and bring Israel to our classroom.