Lego Duck Challenge

Today I worked through two different challenges in a small group. The first challenge required me to work with my partners to build a duck out of legos in 4 minutes. The second challenge was a brain teaser where we had to solve a bunch of questions within 7 minutes.


After The duck Challenge:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork was we communicated well we didn’t scream at the top of our lungs.

What went well for my team while completing the actual task was that we were on task.

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork was we didn’t specify our jobs well enough, for example, my friend said he would email the teacher after I said I  already have her email up.

What I would do differently is try and specify our jobs better.


After the Brain Teaser:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork was that we were on task.

What went well for my team while completing the actual task was we figured out to of the people’s legos.

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork was we were not communicating well enough.

What I would do differently is I would try not to yell as much.


When working in groups this year, I hope that I can not scream or yell if the task is not going my groups’ way.