Social Studies: Makerspace

Today we went to the Makerspace to practice using the tools that will help us build our float for social studies! Students have researched, discussed, compiled facts, and are getting ready to share all of their fun facts from the states they have been learning about!

New reading unit: Fiction

I am so excited to explore a new genre of literature with the students this month in reading workshop! Starting today, we will be looking through, listening to, sharing, and reading lots and lots of fictional texts. There are many types of fiction, and we will learn about a number of them in the study.

Math test: Unit 1

Today, students will take the math test for unit 1. Before correcting the test, they will have a chance to collaborate with peers to see if their mathematical thinking was similar to that of another student in the class. They will be able to correct the their own tests to assess their growth and areas for improvement. Next week, students will use the test to determine their overall understanding of unit one. This reflection will help me decide which topics to reteach as we move into unit 2 of math.
Unit 2 will cover multiplication and division with 6s, 7s, 8s and multiplying with multiples of 10.
Students will be discussing the unit one test at their student-led conference.


Today, students moved into the drafting stage of writing. We talked about how drafting is the time in the writing process when you think about how you are going to organize your piece and how you can make it sensible for your readers. Students worked today to draft beginnings, middles, and ends or conclusions. We used our mentor text to discuss transition words and phrases.
It was an exciting day for us in writing workshop!

Notes from the teacher…

Welcome back!!!

1. I will not be able to attend the gathering tomorrow evening at Yael’s house…my apologies, I now have parent-teacher conferences for my girls. Please continue to invite me to gatherings if you wish! I would love to make a third grade event this year!!!
2. I will be in Denver on Friday (helping a good friend) so the kids will be with Lani (they already know). They will have many fun academic activities to do that day!!
3. No Friday Folders
4. No school next Monday and Tuesday
5. We are discussing a class pet! We are leaning towards a hamster (I still need to discuss final options with the kids). Please email me if you have any concerns.
6. Today, the kids restructured/reorganized our classroom library! Be sure to ask them about it!!