Category Archives: ETC

Golf Ball Challenge

In this challenge, we had to drop a golf ball from about 7.5 feet and try to use straws so it would not bounce out of the perimeter. Day 1– Today I was not that happy with what I achieved in class. I basically took over the group and gave up. I was not having the best day so I took it out on myself and did not cooperate. Next time my goal is to stay with my group so that we have an actual plan so that we don’t give up and just be happy even if we F.A.I.L. (aka- First Attempt In Learning.) Day 2- Today I am so happy with my group and me! Even though we didn’t succeed we still had a fun time and an accurate plan. This time our plan was to make a box with 1/3 of each straw and drop the Golf ball. It did not necessarily fall through so well, but we still tried our hardest and we were still happy about our plan and how good of a group we are. This challenge was so fun and I challenge you to try it yourself.


Teamwork in ETC

Today’s essential question: What makes a team work?

Why is it important to develop the capacity to work as a member of a team? Because when you are older most likely you will have to work in groups at your job or whatever you do

What areas of teamwork do you find easiest and why? When I really like and get along with the people that I’m with. Because I know them well or I 

What areas of teamwork do you find most challenging and why? Agreeing on something because I like my ideas 

What difference does it make if you are able to play a role in the development of assessment tools? Because I get to work on those things

In what way(s) do you connect this work to our Core Values: Wonder, Empathy & Tikkun Olam? Follows Core Values

The Lego Duck Challenge

Today I worked through two different challenges in a small group. The first challenge required me to work with my partners to build a duck out of legos in 4 minutes. The second challenge was a brain teaser where we had to solve a bunch of questions within 7 minutes.

After The duck Challenge:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork… We both shared our ideas and then combined them.

What went well for my team while completing the actual task… We didn’t argue

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork… Not really anything

What I would do differently… I would help a little more


After the Brain Teaser:

What went well for my team regarding teamwork… We got along well 

What went well for my team while completing the actual task… We put colors together and using teamwork

What was challenging for my team in terms of teamwork… Not really anything

What I would do differently… Help a little more


When working in groups this year, I hope that… We all get along and work as a team