Golf Ball Challenge

In this challenge, we had to drop a golf ball from about 7.5 feet and try to use straws so it would not bounce out of the perimeter. Day 1– Today I was not that happy with what I achieved in class. I basically took over the group and gave up. I was not having the best day so I took it out on myself and did not cooperate. Next time my goal is to stay with my group so that we have an actual plan so that we don’t give up and just be happy even if we F.A.I.L. (aka- First Attempt In Learning.) Day 2- Today I am so happy with my group and me! Even though we didn’t succeed we still had a fun time and an accurate plan. This time our plan was to make a box with 1/3 of each straw and drop the Golf ball. It did not necessarily fall through so well, but we still tried our hardest and we were still happy about our plan and how good of a group we are. This challenge was so fun and I challenge you to try it yourself.


First Chicken Plan

How did your research guide your plan? It guided me in a way that if I forgot something I could just go back to it and basically just rewrite it so that I could have it in my actual plan because then I could just use it to guide me threw the process.


What information do you still need to find? I am actually done with my research and finished all of the stuff that I need to find so that I can mummify the chicken.


What new information did you find as you planned? I basically didn’t know anything about mummy’s or how you mummify something or someone.


How do you think this plan will work with your group members? I think that we all have the same plan so it will go pretty smoothly.



How can you make sure every person’s voice is heard in the group? We can each have a different role in making the mummy chicken.

ETC- 7 week reflection

I noticed that my teamwork has been a lot better independently wise. I am now good at working in groups and helping others. I think the people I have been working with are really nice and smart and we all get a part in the group. My favorite challenge was the pringles challenge because we all worked together and even though we didn’t finish we got close and kept on going.