
Our class went to Madison to tour the campus. Not only did we tour the campus we got to feel how it feels to live at school and with all of your friends. We studied fossils and rocks and minerals. Then after lunch we went to tour the campus and I thought it was so cool. To me it looked like a Mall. Then we went to a mini Physics Museum. There were machines like Plasma, force, shock, and other cool machines. Then we went to the Capitol. We got to tour the conference room the jury room and the paintings. We learned about how the 1st Capitol got burned down. It got burned down because the Capitol had candles burning and the capitol was mostly made out of wood, and they couldn’t get any water because whenever they asked for some it would just freeze in the winter. And this Capitol has 43 different types of stone. There also is real gold in the Capitol. When they finished the 2nd Capitol in 1917 back then it would have costed around $7.25 mil. Right now the Capitol would cost around $3,000,000,000. After we got donuts for a treat and headed back home.

By, srichheimer22

Peer edited By,nking22