Today I want to talk about my new book that I will be writing in school. I am going to be writing about my Dad’s T-shirt Factory! I already designed the cover and am going to start writing about this in probably a week. I don’t think it will be that long to make but all I know is: is that it is going to be fun! I am thinking that this book will be my best book yet but I don’t know yet. I want a lot of descriptive language in my book too. My favorite topic to write about is cars. The topic that I’m writing about is going to be so fun.

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Today in  football we did amazing towards behavior and kindness. Usually we aren’t kind and respectful but today we took  a risk. In football yesterday we crushed it we did so good for rules and kindness and working it out. Just like AARON RODGERS.   edit by, nking 

2017-2018 Conferences

About a week ago, our school had our first Conferences for this year out of 4 of them this year. I was kind of nervous because; I was with my parents right in front of one of my teachers. But after I tried it, it wasn’t that scary. I only had 2 teachers to go to. My first teacher was my teacher, also known  as ldenny (my mane teacher). And my other teacher was jberolsky. I had another teacher but it got late at night and me and my brothers were tiered. I think the meaning of conferences is to be a leader in front of your parents. And to do your best that you can in school. My goal for this year is to have the the best class in the school. And I know we can do it because we are already the oldest in lower school.



Rainbow Day Camp

On Friday our 4th Grade class went to Rainbow Day Camp. The Bus ride was fun because; me and my friend like super cars and so we went super car spotting for the whole 45 MINUTES. It was fun when we got there because we got teams and got to do team building. In one of the activity’s we were fighting a little and then a little bit later we worked it out. We also did outside laser tagging and we had really cool guns. I’d like to do more outside activity’s next time cause we only did 1 in 5 hours. I had a lot of fun.

The Three Questions-Book in Readers Workshop

In this book THE THREE QUESTIONS, there is a boy named Nikolai. Nikolai has THREE QUESTIONS, and wants to answer them.  He comes up with these three questions because he wants to be a good person. He goes to Leo the Turtle and asks him the QUESTIONS, and while he asks him the questions Nikolai helps the turtle dig a garden.  When they are done digging the garden there is a storm.  All the sudden there is a Mother panda that fell off of the tree and landed on her feet, her foot was injured.  Nikolai carried her back to Leo’s House. I think Nikolai has empathy for the panda and cares for her and the other animals where he lives.  I think the author wanted us to be aware of others and help people in need.