Cornell Notes Blog Post

Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? Did they help? Explain.

I didn’t use the websites provided because it was kind of hard to find information on them on a specific topic. So, to answer the questions I looked it up. (not using the provided websites)

How do you think you can use your Cornell notes in the future?

I can maybe use them for science or math to write down information. I probably wouldn’t do that for math but I could use them to write down how to do some equations.

What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way?

I learned:

  • What indentured servants are.
  • What a puritan is.
  • How to take an answer and find the question (kind of)


Why did we do this activity?

We did this activity for two reasons. (I think) One reason is to learn how to use Cornell notes and the other reason is to learn more about the colonies.

How did you research for this activity?

At first, I tried to use the sites that were on google classroom, but I couldn’t find the information on them. Then, I looked up the question or answer and it was a lot easier to do the notes.

What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity?

The biggest challenge I had was finding the answers on the sites given on google classroom. It was hard because you had to look at all seven sources to find one answer.

How did you overcome your challenges?

I overcame my challenge by using different sources and that worked way better than trying to find the answers on the sites that were on google classroom. It was also way faster to do it with different sources.

Explorers Reflections

What about this project went well for you? Explain.

What went well was that I could make it a little funny and still make it a good project

What about this project did not go well for you? Explain.

It was kind of hard to find some information because Erik The Red lived in 950 and it’s 2018 so there isn’t a lot of information from that old (it was over 1000 years ago)

How can you create a better project next time?

Maybe I can get more information and THEN make my script because I kind of made my script as I went.

How did you think the planning process went? Were you able to find all the information you needed?

I think it went pretty well. I think my project was pretty cool and I was able to get all my information.

What could Adon Kaufman and Gev. Noorlander do differently next time?

I know this sounds weird but maybe give us less time because then we would maybe do a little more in class but since we had a lot of time, we were kind of like, “oh ok, I can’t find this but I will just find it tomorrow”.

What impact did explorers make?

They found land for people to live on and without them, we would either have nowhere to live or be very squished in one place.


Chicken Mummification- Day 6

Date: 1/8/18

Process day: 24


Group Roles (choose a different role than last time)

Materials Manager/Clean Captain: smishelow

Chat Captain/Timekeeper:ygaines

Picture Taker: aodesky

Procedure Police/Reflector: hliberman


List the EXACT procedure your group followed today. Be as specific as possible.

Smishelow and ygaines got new gloves.

Hliberman and aodesky put the newspaper on the table.

We got a new box of salt.

Smishelow made the new mixture.

Ygaines took the old mixture out.

Hliberman grabbed a new spoon to take the mixture out.

Smishelow got rosemary and thyme and mixed it with the mixture.

Smishelow put the mixture on the chicken.

Aodesky has been taking pictures of our procedure.


Smishelow,ygaines and aodesky cleaned the table

Group Reflection (Discuss and answer these questions as a group)


Using the senses of sight, touch and smell, describe your chicken..How has the size changed? Color? Feel? BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE!!

Sight: The chicken looked reddish brown and kind of bumpy.

Touch: You could feel the bones the spine especially.

Smell: The chicken smelled like old mixture and old chicken. We did not like the smell.


Bread Mold – Day Seven

Hi. I have some things to tell you. First of all, the days I put on the blog were wrong. Day 3 is actually day 5 because we don’t have science every day. Second of all, since I changed the days the posts will look different if you wondering. Oh also, we kind of started over because our bread wasn’t growing any mold.

But now, here are our bread mold videos:


Adding Water To The Bread:

Covering the Bread Part One: 

Covering the Bread Part Two: