Adding & Subtracting Rational Numbers – 7th Grade

In this Investigation, the students experienced adding and subtracting positive and negative rational numbers, by modeling real-world situations using different models. The most non-intuitive computation was subtracting negative numbers. For  examples : why  4 – (-2) = 6  ?

Ask your child to use the chip board model ( red & black chips ) explaining why it does make sense.

We also strength our skills using our class favorite activity – Kahoot.

7th Grade – Interactive Activity

Since the students like interactive activities, we have decided that every student will prepare an activity once a week.  The activity will include planning, designing and has to be related to the current material or math in general.

Today, we had the first activity that was related to our first mathematical investigation – The Family Of Polygons.

I was very impressed. He did an amazing job!

Can’t wait for the next one.


7th Grade – First Investigation

During our first investigation that contained five different problems, we focused on understanding the properties of polygons that affect their shape, special relationship among angles and the properties needed to construct polygons. Summarizing the investigation, the students had to draw geometric shapes, subject to constraints, using a ruler and protractor.

An Opening Activity – 7th Grade

Hello Everyone,

Today as an opening activity we dealt with two word problems : “Two buckets” and The “mangoes problem” . The activities were done in groups of 3-4 students. I was very impressed by the group’s collaboration, brainstorming and creative problem solving. A variety of solutions were presented by the groups. 

Check out some of the photos.