shirschtritt's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

February 14, 2020
by shirschtritt25

Wrinkle In Time (at first stage)

Today we went to First Stage to see the play A Wrinkle in Time. I loved it. It was very fun. We also got front row seats. I think it was kind of like the movie. I liked that when they traveled to different planets they made it look like it was really happening like the background with the chairs and tables moving. I feel like they might have forgotten some scenes and also added  a couple of scenes like when they added the scene  with the elevator that went all ways. I can make a connection to that scene with Charlie and the Chocolate factory. In that the part where they break the building and go to the air in Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. I would really recommend the play movie and book to anyone!

February 3, 2020
by shirschtritt25

My opinion on Caste System

My opinion for the Caste System is that it is terrifying. I do not think that it is fair. I do think that everyone should be equal  however their past looks like. The lower caste should be able to be whoever their mind tells them to be. I do not see why they are worth less than the higher caste. It is not fair that they are divided from who they are. It is not their choice for who they are. The lower caste lives in rundown shacks, but the higher caste gets to live in amazing buildings.  I think the caste system is the worst thing I have ever heard of in my life. I just can’t stop thinking about how much I do not like the Caste system. In conclusion I really do not think It should be still existing.

January 23, 2020
by shirschtritt25
1 Comment

My One Word Goal

My one word goal is going really good. But there is still something that gets in my way of reaching it. That is my schedule. I have so many things to and I’m so busy that it gets in the way of helping and babysitting my brothers.But,  always when I have time I will try my best to do everything I can. I love my one word goal and I think that I am doing very very well. 

December 19, 2019
by shirschtritt25


I find the schools in India most interesting because I think it is fun to compare school in India to the United states.  Some things that I have learned about India is that they go to school by biking wheeling wheelchairs, waiting for buses and more. They go to school with woven bags with heavy books. Sometimes they go in flip-flops and sometimes barefoot. Some kids even get to school by going it carts over big rivers. In India school is a gift and most kids enjoy school.    

December 3, 2019
by shirschtritt25

Math Project!

Hi! You must have heard that Gev. Voras is not at school so in math we are creating a Fast food restaurant. My 2 partners are S Wallace and S Ishak. You may be wondering how is that math. Well we have a special blueprint paper that we can design our drafts on and we need to see how many people can fit inside your restaurant. It also teaches you how to use Area and Perimeter. We are Just finishing up our draft. 

November 20, 2019
by shirschtritt25

My Superpower

Today I am going to tell you if I had a superpower what power would I have. Well If I had to choose on I would choose to be able to turn  into anyone I want whether it is a movie star or a famous athlete. It would make other people think I am the person even though I just look like the person. It would be like tricking the world! 

November 8, 2019
by shirschtritt25
1 Comment


I am feeling really good about what I am learning in school. I think that I am really doing good on my writing and now I am actually finished and now I am on the revising stage. Also I think that I am starting to feel a lot more comfortable with my multiplication facts. And I feel that I have a growth mindset. I always help other people!   

May 23, 2019
by shirschtritt25


We get to make a second grade yearbook.we each have a secret friend that we get to write about.We can  say the birthday.  The favorite color, what the person was for the thanksgiving play.The second part of the yearbook we all get to write about something that happened In second grade. I wrote about the thanksgiving play and flat stanley. He went on many different cool places.I am so exited too no who my friend is so far. I really the second grade yearbook!

May 16, 2019
by shirschtritt25

Weekly Blogging

Egypt: we are studying Egypt.  We are making paoyrus paper and what we did is we had strips of paper.  We glued the strips on to another piece of paper.  Then we let it dry.

My book: we are writing nonfiction books.  Mine is about gems.It is all about where you can find gems and how many types of gems there are in the world. I figured out that there more then 230 types of gems in the world.

Pizza co:we have a game that is called pizza co. You serve costumers and you can makes pizzas for the costumers and then you can pay them.I love doing Pizza co.




May 3, 2019
by shirschtritt25


In all of this week I have 55 minutes in all.My goal is 105 minutes in a week. Next week we will bring are sheets and total up how many minutes we have read in a week. Are class goal is 3,000 minutes in the month of May.The book that I will be reading is Harry Potter.  I enjoy reading Harry Potter. I really like the readathon and I can not wait to see if we beat our class goal of 3,000 minutes.