Roller Coaster Lab Write Up

Key Terms and Concepts That I Need to Know and Their Definitions:

  • Potential Energy:This is energy that is stored at the top of roller coasters and it stores all the enrgy that the Roller Coaster needs for the whole roller coaster but especially for the big drop.
  • Kinetic Energy:This is also known as motion energy and the roller coaster uses a lot of motion energy so that it can move.
  • Conservation of Energy:This is energy that can turn into differnt forms so for example a roller coaster can go from potential to motion energy.
  • Gravity:This is force that makes something fall in a forcefull way so for example when a roller coaster is going down on a big and steep hill besides for the motion energy there is also gravitational energy happening at the same time.
  • Velocity:This is bassicly speed that is going in a certain or specific direction.
  • Friction:This is when two things rub against each other and cause a form of energy or something else to happen or help something move forward.
  • Slope (Rise/Run):This is almost like an incline plane becase its like a hill where there is the top which is very tall and high and then as the hill goes down it gets littlier and lower.
Materials I Used:
 I used duct tape,foam for the actual roller coater,a wall to hold up the first part of the roller coaster and to give it potential energy,and diffrent colored marbles to use as a roller coaster “car”.


Here Is A Picture and Video of My Project and This is Also The Roller Coaster That Worked:




Here is a Summary of  My Project:

What starting height was needed for the marble to make it through the loop most of the time?

We needed the top of the roller coaster to be about 2 and a half feet so that when it went up and down the loops it didn’t touch the floor and it got a head start for lots of motion and gravatational energy for then next loop.

 What can you determine about the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy?

Motion energy can only happen if there is potential energy(Stored energy) so bassicly what happens is that while the roller coaster is at the “peak” right before the BIG DROP thats where the potential enrgy is and then especially in the middle of the big drop for the roller coaster is where the most motion energy is(usually).So they are related because they work togther to make the roller coaster be able to go and also because of what I said above.


ETC 3.19.18 Reflection

Here is My Reflection on ETC For Today:

1.How many energy transfers do you have?

I think my group has 2 or 3 energy transfers.

2.Have you tested what you do have?

We have tested mini parts of what we have but since were not done we haven’t tested the whole thing together because we haven’t put the whole thing together yet.

3.What materials do you still need?

We still need 5 or 6 red marbles that are pretty small although if they are big that’s also okay but we would prefer small ones but they NEED to be RED. We also still need a mini toy car(red if possible,but any color is okay).

4.Have you double checked your rubric to make sure you have met all the requirements?

No I have not checked mine but since I remember basically all the requirements I already know in my head that we have met basically all of them and the only reason we didn’t meet one is because we haven’t finished the whole Rube Goldberg yet.

5.Are you concerned about not being completed on time? Why or why not? Have you communicated this to your teachers?

I am only a little nervous because some people in our group are taking other peoples good,quick,and easy ideas and not using them but instead they are using  their own ideas and not compromising or even just listening to our ideas. Also there are a few people in our group who want to help but when we ask “What do you need help with” they just say nothing or they say something that makes no sense and when we ask to clarify they get mean or impatient. Those reasons would be the only reasons I’m concerned about not finishing in time and if we still feel that way at the end of class on Wednesday I will suggest that before Monday during ETC we use some of our Hafsakah(Recess) time to finish it up. Some of my group members have told teachers about kids not being nice or fair but when the teacher said “I will come help you in a few minutes” they never came.


Rube Goldberg Passover Challenge Reflection

Here is My Reflection:

What went well  today?

What went well today is that our group got along pretty well and we also got a lot done. The things we got done today so that we made a person with boils to represent boils and we put 2 water bottles on the back of the paper and then red or marbles will come through the bottle so you can see it and that represents boils.


What was challenging?

What was challenging was that sometimes my group would fight but not usually. Also sometimes I feel like my group mates weren’t including me and I was asking how I could help but they said there was nothing I could do. Then finally later I made the boil and person thing that I explained above. Also I if I were being honest I couldn’t say that I knew what my other group mates did today because we never really were good at communicating in what we were doing and how could we help each other.


How many attempts did you try before finding success? If you did not find success, what do you think you need to try on Monday?

To be honest we didn’t really have enough time to test out things because that was never really part of our groups plan. I feel what we need to do on Monday is still keep to our original plan but add and compromise things so everyone feels like they did something and was included and we also need to be able to test out things although I’ve done things before like what our ideas are and they worked but that doesn’t mean that we still can’t make it better and test it out!


What are the next steps for your group?

The next steps for our group is what I mentioned in all of the above questions.


Are there any additional materials your group needs to gather?

We still need to get about 5 red marbles,a mini track(don’t know exactly what size but maybe my group mates do and I will mention their blogs below so that they can answer any of your questions or concerns).We also need to get a mini toy car and I think that’s it!

Here are My Group mates Blogs:




Tefillah Elective Reflection

Here is my Reflection for My Teffillah Elective:

Describe what you have been doing in your elective. I have been doing glee club for Teffillah which is where you sing Jewish Songs together as a group. My group specifically is focusing on Shabbat Songs that we will be singing at a Shabbat Service somewhere.

What has been the best or most meaningful part of this elective? Probably the most meaningful part would be that the songs that we are doing are so pretty and they just make you think a lot and wonder a lot about so many different things.

What is one thing you have learned in your Teffillah elective? I have learned a lot of new songs for Shabbat but not only have I learned the songs,I have also learned the meanings to the songs and also songs songs that I have known from before I have learned the meanings to!

What is one thing you would change or improve about your elective? If I were the teacher I would have maybe not let some people still be in glee who don’t want to sing or are not participating in glee club or who are talking and not being respectful.

What (related to your teffillah elective) do you still wonder about? I still wonder why and who came up with all these songs for Shabbat and also who came up will all the prayers and when did they and how did they. I think my teacher in my group already went over who wrote the song and maybe why but I forgot and maybe she could go over it again?!

Impact of a Pharoah

Pharaoh Reflection:


Q:Which Pharaoh did you study?

A:I studied Menkaure.


Q:What was the most interesting thing you learned about your pharaoh? Why did you find this to be so interesting? 

    A:The most interesting thing that I learned about our Pharaoh was that he owned the smallest pyramid in Giza. The reason why I find this so interesting is because I wonder why he built the smallest one because it seems to be that Pharaohs are so the opposite of humble and if Menkaure built the smallest pyramid why? Was he motist? Also did Menkaure really build the pyramid or did other people? If other people did then why did they say that Menkaure built the pyramid?


Q:What was the most challenging aspect of research while studying your pharaoh? Why?

                           A: The most challenging part of the project was finding an actual credible source with information on our Pharaoh because our Pharaoh lived so long ago that its hard to find a website that you can trust and it actually has a lot of good information on the Pharaoh. Also it was hard to write down all the sources we found the information on.


Q:What was the most challenging aspect of working with a partner throughout this project? Why?

                    A: Well for my partners and I I’m sure it was even harder because we were a group of 3 not 2 but the hardest part was probably splitting up the work evenly and some people in my group weren’t being kind and I was trying to combine things and compromise and also make everyone happy but it was hard and some of my group mates weren’t doing any work at all.


Q:What do you still wonder about your Pharaoh or about Pharaohs in general?

                                      A: I still wonder what the Pharaohs daily routine looked like. I also wonder was there a maximum amount of children in a family? Did you have to get married? How did girls become Pharaohs? Who was the first girl Pharaoh and how many Pharaohs were there in all? What would the Pharaohs family do all day and what would they wear?


Here are Some Pictures of a Poster that Me and My Group Worked on for a Pharaoh Project: