Soapbox speeches

All our 8th grade students have researched, written, revised, and delivered a speech about something they want changed in our society.  Some students are concerned about pollution, others about endangered animals, whereas others are concerned about the effects of bullying in our society.  It is amazing what they are capable of doing.

Feel free to ask them what they feel passionate about and how they want to make a difference in our society.

Cornell Notes

As we are learning about the Separation of Power in our government, our 8th graders are working on the skills of note taking.  We are using a particular style of note taking called Cornell Notes.  Cornell Notes are especially effective for encouraging students to interact with the notes and to effectively study; helping students more effectively learn material.  Additionally, the structure of the notes help teach students note organization.  Please ask your child to look at their notes (of which they have all used once in class) and ask them how they plan on using their notes to study.