Cornell Notes Reflection

Did you use the websites provided to you for this activity? Did they help? Explain.

Yes, they helped me because in some way (with some reading) I found my answer.

How do you think you can use your Cornell notes in the future?

If we had a test or a quiz about vocabulary for the colonies, I think this would help a lot.

What are 3 new things you learned from researching the colonies in this way? (This one you can just bullet point if you’d like)

That New England was settled by the British and the French, Debtors prison is for people who can not pay their debt, and that a lot of countries made all the colonies.

Why did we do this activity?

We did this activity because of Gev. Noorlander and Adon. Kaufman telling us to do it.

How did you research for this activity?

I used the cites on google classroom and I used google.

What were the biggest challenges you encountered during this activity?

Finding the colony that was founded by the French and British.

How did you overcome your challenges?

I asked for help.



Testing our Rapunzel Creations

What materials did you choose for your build and why?

We chose wood for the pulley, cardboard for the tower, and styrofoam for the grass.

Here is a picture of my plan:

IMG_20181219_091806.jpg (1)-1r99ehs

Here is a picture of my first attempt at the building process:


While you test:


What are you noticing?

That our tower worked.

What things are working?

Everything except the pulley and Rapunzel.

What things are not working?

The pulley and Rapunzel.

How will you tweak this? Make this better? (Be specific and detailed!)

We will add a parachute to Rapunzel.

Do you need any new materials? If so, WHY?

Yes, to make the parachute.

Sketch your new design with labels on a piece of paper. Make sure your drawing is detailed and specifically labeled.

Insert your sketch here:


Why will this new design work better than your first attempt? What is your evidence?

Yes, we met with gev.mcadams



Building an Insulator

This week in science, we worked in teams to create a water bottle insulator that kept the water inside the bottle the coldest for the longest amount of time. First, we planned what we would need, how we would build it, and sketched our first design. Next, we tested our design to see how well our insulator worked. Below you will see the results and how we will improve our first insulator to make it even better!


An insulator is…

An insulator is an object that slows heat down.

Here is a picture of our original design:

The materials we used were…

aluminum, water bottle, and fabric.

Results! What was the temperature of your water to begin with? After 15 minutes? After 35 minutes?


Time Temperature (in Fahrenheit)
0 minutes 54 degrees
After 15 minutes 57 degrees
After 35 minutes 61 degrees


The engineering process includes thinking about how to make your design better and re-building your product. The improvements that we will make to our insulator are…

We will use a wire.

These changes will improve my insulator because…

Metal is a good insulator and wire and metal are almost the same.



New results:


Time Temperature (in Celcius)
0 minutes  7
After 15 minutes  10
After 35 minutes  11



Predicting the Size of the Result

  1. Here is the word problem my partner and I solved:

An apple orchard covers 12 acres. There is a watering spout for every ¼ acre. Are there more or fewer than 12 watering spouts? How do you know? How many watering spouts are there in the orchard?

  1. Here is a picture of my visual that represents the problem:

  1. Here is my equation(s) with a variable to represent the unknown amount:

12 x 4 = F F= 48

There are 12 acres. For every 1/4 there is a watering spout. To get your answer you say 12 acres and 4 water spouts in it which is saying 12 x 4

  1. When predicting my answer, I know my answer will be smaller or larger because…

There is multiple watering spouts per acre, so there must be more than 12 watering spouts

  1. My answer and label is…



One word goal – 2019

LEARN – ללמוד

I chose learn because I want to grow over the year and when I grow, I learn. I feel it is important to learn so you can do big things in the world.  Even if you want to be a sports player, what  do you think players do during the day? They learn their plays. Everything takes learning. Key point: learning is so important. 




Even if you hate school it is for your own good. They are not trying to torture you. 🙂