MLK Day Post

Yesterday we learned about Dr. King. Then we were partartnerd  with friends. We each had characters. Based on the character we decided if we went on the March on Washington.   My character was a african american college student. My friends are angry because they think Dr. King is to peaceful and will never get anything done. I decided to go on the march because it is important to show your feelings. But my worry is I might not  have the money.




Peer edited by nking22

Peru and Wisconson

On Friday we did a wonder walk through about Peru and Wisconsin. We could looked, tasted, heard and smelled different objects from Peru and Wisconsin.

I smelled coffee beans. I loved the smell. But I  did not like the taste of cranberries. The books made me wonder about the Incas and modern Peru.

But what else can you learn about Peru?

You can learn about the food, the flag and more and more! I also want to learn about animals in Peru.

I am excited to start learning more about Peru and Wisconsin!

peer edited by: srichhimer

One word

My one word is eating. I would like to have a healthy diet.  I am having a hard time doing it. Please comment any suggestion



I feel I was eating a not balanced diet. Now with one word I am promoted to have a good diet. I would like you to comment on why  you have or would like to have a good and healthy diet.

peer edited by, srichheimer22


post by msteigmann22