Chickens Have Begun!

Well everyone, we finally started! The chickens are currently bathing in a lot of salt and baking soda in our classroom. Things haven’t gotten too smelly….yet.

Everyone did an amazing job of following our procedure which we spent so much time researching and creating. Our steps today were to remove the chicken’s organs, clean the chicken with rubbing alcohol, and to stuff it with salt and baking soda. Then, we put the chickens in bags where we added even more salt and baking soda!

We had lots of excited reactions, and some very grossed out kiddos. It was a very exciting day in social studies! If you ask your kids about this, I am sure they will have lots to tell you. 🙂

Gev. Noorlander


5 Thoughts.

  1. Thank you for sharing and for moving students out of their comfort zone. Experiential learning is powerful!

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