
JSL Reflection

Please copy the questions below onto your blog and answer them there.  


  • What did you learn about leadership from the Jewish Supreme Leader (JSL) election project? that he was smart and brave.
  • Through the stories of the leaders we studied, what are some positive ideas the Torah teaches us about leadership? that it can be formed in many ways
  • What are some negative ideas the Torah teaches us about leadership?
  • If you could create the ideal JSL, what would that person be like their qualities, their personal story, their weaknesses? Why?
  • How do you think leadership has changed from Torah times to modern times?  How is it still similar?
  • How does the JSL election change the way you think about leadership?  Why?

Title: Og’s Great Adventure Reflection


Categorize: ETC


Copy and paste the questions below on your blog. Please make sure to answer in complete sentences thoughtfully and thoroughly.


  • What did you notice or observe during the challenge? it wasn’t too hard and it wasn’t too easy


  • What kind of questions did you ask yourself (meta)? why is this so easy


  • When did you first begin drawing connections between the different puzzles and pictures? when the answers wherein links


  • What were those connections? when the answers wherein links


  • What were your biggest clues? the picture of the family on the bottom


  • What was the most challenging? finding the 9 letter word lock


  • What was your biggest ah-ha moment? Why? when I figured out the clues


clue reflection

Blog Post – ETC


Title: Reflecting on Clue


Categorize: ETC


Copy and paste the questions below into your blog. Answer them thoughtfully, with as much detail as possible. Remember to write in complete sentences with proper punctuation.


  • What thinking moves did you use when playing this game (questioning, connecting, listening, observing, deducing, reasoning, etc? I went into the same room I went in last time


  • How did organizing your information impact your experience playing the game? it helped me find the info I need


  • Where else do you use these thinking skills (at school, at home, on sports teams, etc)? nowhere


  • When might you need this kind of thinking? maybe on something else we do in etc

EE house

In your blog post, describe your house and HOW it is energy-efficient. Make sure to be specific and explain thoughtfully.


our house has many rooms, lots of solar panels and wind turbines, and 2 stories.

it is E.E because the panels and turbines give us all of the energy we need.

first clue

Title: First Clue

Category: ETC


Answer each of these questions completely in your blog. Take your time and write more than one sentence per response!


  • What did you notice or observe during the game? well we did not finish our game so we really did not do anything interesting.
  • What kind of questions did you ask yourself (meta)? why are we doing this? and I don’t get this
  • When did you first begin drawing connections between different characters, clues, pieces of information? since we did not have any time to play i could not find any connections
  • What were those connections? none
  • What were your biggest clues?none
  • What information seems most important to collect? who? what? where?

*What is the difference between an observation and information?

in an observation you discover something. in info. you learn about something.