update on math tutorial

Last week, we had the chance to give each other feedback on our tutorials. Based on the feedback I got, if I were to do this tutorial again this is what I would do differently. what I would do differently is explaining what a numerator and denominator is better. So the people who are going on the slide can understand better.

ETC growth

What growth have you seen in yourself so far, as well as in others? I think other people including me have been getting better at being kinder when listening to others ideas. In some of the challenges I would’v rather worked with my friend but I couldn’t, and I just ended up making new friends.

High Holiday Project Reflection

1. Why did I pick my topic? Because it looked the most interesting to me and because Rosh Hashana is one of my favorite holidays.
2. What was a main idea that I learned that I did not know before? I didn’t know the story of all of the women.
3. What did I find interesting and enjoy about doing my project? Learning new things about women in the Torah.
4. How did doing my project enhance or influence my high holiday experience? That I knew more about the women in the Torah, and knew more about Rosh Hashana.

