kschroeder's Learning Journey

Wonder . Empathy . Tikkun Olam

February 27, 2020
by kschroeder25
1 Comment

Global Experience

This week was global experience. My favorite thing was our animals and slideshow we made. The most challenging thing was the research that was the hardest part because some of it got mixed up and it was also hard to get it on a slide show. I think how I grew as a  learner was also even though the research was hard it also grew my brain. The reason why it is important to learn about different country is because if you go there and you don’t know anything about the country then its hard to learn about there culture.  

February 14, 2020
by kschroeder25
1 Comment

A Wrinkle In Time

Today we went to a Wrinkle in Time!!!! Me,my class,4th grade,Mackenzie and Courtney all went to the play!!!

I thought it was a  really good play!! I was really impressed!! My favorite part was the part where Charles  Wallace was awake in the middle of the night and he makes the hot cocoa. I also liked the part where misses who was naming them after  stars. I thought it was beautiful. My favorite character is Meg and Ms. Which. I rate it 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend a lot more people to see it. If you don’t know what it is about I would love to tell you. It is about a girl named Meg with her brother named Charles Wallace and they find a boy who I forgot his name but they find these 3 witches named Mrs.Who ,Mrs. Whats it ,and Mrs.Which and they send them on a crazy adventure to a magical place. They have to stop a powerful man named IT and Charles Wallace is hypnotized by the IT!!! Meg is trying to look for her dad because he has been missing for a couple years and Meg also haves to try to stop the IT from controlling her brothers mind!!! The ending was very happy because every one was happy and back on earth and every one was happy crying and they were all together again.

February 3, 2020
by kschroeder25

My Opinion On The Caste System

My opinion on the caste system is it is unfair. First  of all, it’s not nice. They make make people feel smart and stupid. It keeps people apart. Gandhi would be sad if he knew the caste system has been going on for years! Just because your rich your not powerful. The caste system means there are higher people and lower people  it divides Hindu’s into five main categories.

January 23, 2020
by kschroeder25
1 Comment

My One Word Goal

My one word goal is Strong.


My one word goal is going very well. The reason I picked strong for my goal because I want to be better in gym. I want to get more strong.

I am happy I picked this one word goal!! I am doing better in gym class.


December 19, 2019
by kschroeder25
1 Comment


I am going to share some facts about India


  • There are a lot of animals and snakes in India.
  • There pollution is bad in India.
  • The men in India wash them in the lake all together
  • There are African elephants
  • There are beautiful landmarks in India
  • Mahatma Gandhi saved  India with no violence
  • India celebrates 3 holidays. there are some facts about  India

I want to learn more about the animals

November 20, 2019
by kschroeder25
1 Comment

My Super Power

I would have a nature and care superpower where I would be able to care for the earth and turn into  ANIMALS!!!! I would want to grow plants and talk to animals

I would do all nature caring                Its called Nature         I want to help the earth!!!!!!!!



November 8, 2019
by kschroeder25
1 Comment


I learned my hole multiplication table and I learned all my division as well. I love to learn math it’s fun. My favorite problem is 6*4=24/ I need to work on  my nine’s eight’s seven’s but I am doing great so far I love math sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I try and have a growth mindset but I will work on not pouting.

September 19, 2019
by kschroeder25


Today I went Rainbow Day Camp. We played with  Kenzie it was a blast! We played  laser tag and me and Hazel helped Kenzie and she still had  six lives on her screen.We took a picture in front of the the Rainbow Day Camp  rocks! I like it when Kenzie is here its ten times funner when shes around I  can not wait until I get to know her better!!!!!!!!!!!

May 23, 2019
by kschroeder25


We have a sheet that says parents signature,minutes you read and date. Every Wensday we add the minutes we all read as a class. Our goal is 3,000 but we have 6,000 minutes. already Reading is fun. I love the readathon!


May 16, 2019
by kschroeder25
1 Comment

Pizza co.

We have a game called pizza co.We play it before the bell rings or when we have free time. This is how you play. First you get the pizza ready and then when the first coustumer comes in they for earning points give you the order like sun flower you grab the ingredents the ingredents for the sun flower is pineapple and one olive sometime we get vips some times you get a  challenge.We also can do junier mode and we can decorate the shop to it is a subtraction game because when you pay them  you have to subtract.I love pizza co because it is so fun.