Reflecting on Purim Learning

For the last eight weeks, sixth graders have been focusing on the essential question: “How can we facilitate a fun and meaningful Purim based on mitzvot?” Students learned about the four mitzvot of Purim: matanot l’evyonim (gifts to the poor), mishloach manot (packages of food for friends and community), seudah (festive meal) and hearing the megillah. […]

World Zionist Conference

Next Thursday sixth grade will be conducting the First Zionist Conference here in Milwaukee, WI. We are going back to 1897, and students will be representing Syria, Algeria, the United States, Russia, and Austria. Austrian delegates (i.e. Theodore Herzl) will be facilitating the discussion, based around our essential question: “What should the future of the […]

Thankfulness, Chanukah, and More

*Who is “the Gimelest?” We will find out next Friday at our all-school Chanukah Sing! We have been having dreidel competitions in each grade in preparation for the final competition next week.  Below are some pictures of our Upper School students enjoying some good old fashioned dreidel spinning ———————————————————————– *In preparation for Thanksgiving, seventh graders […]