Reflecting on Purim Learning

For the last eight weeks, sixth graders have been focusing on the essential question: “How can we facilitate a fun and meaningful Purim based on mitzvot?” Students learned about the fourĀ mitzvot of Purim: matanot l’evyonim (gifts to the poor), mishloach manot (packages of food for friends and community), seudah (festive meal) and hearing the megillah. Students studied the Book of Esther in depth and learned from Esther and Mordechai that Jewish tradition values standing up for what we believe in.

Students made sure that all MJDS students had the opportunity to fulfill the mitzvot of Purim. They chanted from the megillah andĀ made videos that made the Book of Esther more accessible to younger children. They planned a festive lunch, complete with kiddie cocktails. They decorated the chadar ochel and planned out the entire carnival. They helped purchase supplies, and many created games from scratch in the Makerspace. They raised over $200 dollars for the Jewish Community Pantry and Hunger Task Force and helped facilitate the delivery of 430 bags of mishloach manot to our communities, including the Jewish Home, Sarah Chudnow, Deerwood Crossing, the JCC, Federation, St. Bens, local police departments and more.

Kol Hakavod to our sixth graders for creating a Purim to remember!

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